A troubling day after all

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A menacing growl escaped the angry little animal as it was cornered in a corner. A larger being loomed over the tiny animal who was trashing around and leaving a mess everywhere it went. "Don't you dare to move again or hurt me. I will kill you." You growled to the little thing that was hissing angrily, swatting away your hands with its paws, letting you wince with every contact it made with your skin, tearing it slightly in the process. "Why you little..!" You growled, having enough of it and lunging at the little thing, grabbing the neck as it slumped in defeat. "I don't wanna." He growled, glaring at your eyes, still hoping for a little chance to escape the depths of hell again. "Your loss. We're going through with it, whether you like it or not." You snapped back, showing your teeth for dominance. His eyes trailed to somewhere else as he hung in the air by your grasp. "I still don't want to." He growled back as you walked him back to the one room every animal will keep nightmares about. The bathroom. What you were doing? Giving the little devils a bath. Did they like it? Your (e/c) orbs trailed over a moping Kid. Nope. But they were still too dirty to give in and so, you were going through with it, getting wet in the process or not.

Let's rewind a little, shall we? Your day had started to like any other. Waking up to demanding cats, changing to clothes for school, giving these cats their food, eat breakfast and run out of the house to leave and be on time for class. Being there, follow your classes as well as you could, help others around, have lunch and run to the next course. For the cats however, their day was a little different to normal. After demanding and getting food, they had slept for a couple of hours. Not so strange for a cat, right? Well, after having their beauty-sleep, they went to explore the outside world once again. They tend to do that every once in a while, preferably when you weren't there to pester around. So, nothing to do inside of the house, they went outside, trotting along next to the fence keeping your garden and that of the neighbour separated. Jumping on the wooden fence, both males laughed at the stupid dog down below. It kept barking and jumping up the fence, trying to get to the two horrible cats up there. Snickering lightly, both devils walked up and down the fence, tiring the poor animal down below.

Suddenly the neighbour himself ran outside with a shoe, throwing it at the cats. "Well that was uncalled for." Law muttered, jumping back in your garden as the neighbour cursed them around. Kid frowned and smirked soon after. "We're going up there when he's gone, right?" Law looked at the younger male with a grin on his face. "Well, of course, Kid-ya." Right then and there, they had forgotten their surroundings and found themselves standing in a puddle of mud and water. Law jumped aside when he realised it, splashing up water in Kid's face as he landed back on the ground. Kid growled at him as he wiped away the mud from his tiny face and pounced the black cat in front of him, taking both of them to the ground. Fighting harshly as to who was to blame this mess, they rolled around, dirtying their fuzzy fur with the sticky sand. As Kid's form hovered over Law's, the lean black cat had enough and wiped the smug face from the red cat off before running away, climbing quickly in the nearest tree. Looking back down, Law hissed at Kid who sat there at the foot of the tree, watching Law's every move with twitching ears.

The red cat looked back and forth before attempting to climb the tree, still chasing after the black cat. A growl erupted from his chest when he was halfway up and lost his footing and jumped back down. Law simply watched him trying. Again. And again. Kid just couldn't get up there and Law snickered quietly, making Kid even more angry than he already was. "Oh come on, Kid-ya. You can do better than this." Law said loudly as Kid growled once more, looking up annoyed and sighed. "Fuck this." He muttered, walking back to the fence to jump on it and watch the now sleeping dog at the porch. A smirk formed on the bulky cat, forming some mischief in his mind. A sudden movement next to him made Kid lose balance as he fell down, holding the edge with his tiny paws just in time. Law raised his brow, wiggled his butt and sat in front of the desperate paws. Licking his paw lightly before extracting his claws, Law leaned forward, locking his gaze with Kid's. Smirking, Law put his paws on Kid's as Kid shook his head. "No, nonononono!" He hissed to the elder. "For the king." Law whispered in his ear as he pried off Kid's paws and he fell. Flailing in the air to turn around and landing on his paws, Kid glared up at the black cat. "You've watched too much Lion King!" The red cat growled and trotted off towards the dog.

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now