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Obi's point of view

Today was the last day King sinbad would be staying with us, we are escorting them to the harbor. On the ride there (Y/N) would not leave their side, as if she was glued to them, i still felt that feeling in my stomach that made my stomach feel different. I was asking ask Shirayuki about it but backed off that thought. Once we got to the Harbor we all got off the horses and made our way to say are goodbyes, "It was an honor to have you visit our kindoms, we look forward to your next visit" the first prince was making a speech as one of the jobs of a Royal. Prince Zen gives thanks for watching over (Y/N), now knowing she was with them when she was away from the castle. As it was done and over with, (Y/N) walk forward and hugged Jafar for was seemed like an eternity, she smiled and wished them safe travels. She turned to Sinbad, but her smile seemed twisted. "Sinbad thank you for coming to vist i hope you come back soon" as she was walk off she got back on her horse, "Oh and one more think, next time you come to visit please refrain from flirting with yuki" with that Shirayuki turned red as her hair and a murderas aura could be seen around Zen. I could hear a groan from the first prince and a light giggle from Kiki, was we see them sail off we head back to the castle although we know Zen is grumbling the whole way back, i see (Y/N) talking to Izana in the front and see her pleading for something, i wonder if shes introuble. I see her smile and ride i off with her horse away from the group in the opposite direction of the castle.

Obi: Ah master, i dont think (Y/N) is going to the castle.

Zen: Obi, im not in the mood for your jokes.

Obi: I saw (Y/N) talking with the first prince and then riding off in the opposite direction of the castle.

Zen: I'll talk with my brother, give Mitsuhide the lead of your horse, and go after her, make sure she doesn't do anything to get herself hurt.

I rode closer to Mitsuhide, giving him the lead to my horse, letting shirayuki let go of my waist as i  leaped off into the trees. I leaped in the direction she went and saw her tracks. I notice she has gone some distance, was she rushing to do somewhere, then her tracks leave the trail into the forest, what is it with this girl and going into the the forest and not doing her duties. I hear a river nearby, i soon loose her tracks and having to stop and figure out were she went i hear a scream and rush to her, if she got hurt the master is going to murder me. As soon as i see a clearing, i see her in the river, splashing in the water with some children. I stay in the trees, hiding my presence, observing them. I knotice that one of the children was not in the water but picking flowers. The kid was a small, drown haired child with brown eyes. As he walked to the river towards (Y/N), i released that the child was picking them for the duchess.

Adam: Miss (Y/N) these are for you.

(Y/N): Aw, how thoughtful thank you.

Perry: Adom has a crush on the Duchess.

Tyler: Adam, she doesn't like you she has to be with a prince.

(Y/N): Who said i have to be with the prince.

Perry: But you have to be in a castle and be married.

(Y/N): But im not, and im here in the forest with you three.

Adam: Why are you here.

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