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(Y/N)'s point of view

As i woke up to another day in the castle i was ready for my breakfast, then my walk in the forest, then i go to shirayuki and help around the infirmary for a while, then zen will show up and i was sent to Izanas office to tell him how everything is going and end the day with food and friends laughing and talking, thats how i know my day will be. The same day for the past month changed today. As i was helping shirayuki in the infirmary and ryu asking me to test on a new remedy, while Obi and Garak talk about alcohol and food. Mitsuhide slamed the door open and short of breath, we all stopped and looked at Mitsuhide in silence, waiting to see what had him in a rush.

Mitsuhide: (Y/N), (Y/NN)
*gasping for air*

Obi: Well, spit it out already. Did the master get introuble with the first prince again.

(Y/N): If that's so, i have a prince to rescue

As i was about to take a step when Mitsuhide rosed up like the walking dead and said one sentence, it made me freeze in place

Mitsuhide: Your father is here and is looking for you.

I looked at him, and he had a serious look on his face. I had no intentions of seeing him anytime soon. I was holding off as much as possible. I looked at Ryu and Garak, they had a worried look on there face be walked up to me and gave me warm smiles they reasured me and told me to get ready. With these words, i rushed, put the window , climbed up the roof, and dassed through the trees, i was made sure i was out of sight and was hidden from anyone who might be looking for me. I made it to to my room balcony and looked through the window to see if anyone was in there, i confirmed that it was empty and i walked in and headed straight to the closest full of frilly dresses and skirts. I grabbed one and started to undress and quickly put the dress on. I took some time due to the fact that i have not worn one in six years. As i finished getting dressed the door revealed a calm and serious Mitsuhide, i know he'd take me to where my father will be, i took one last break before walking out the door and heading to the man i wished I'd never see again.

Obi's point of view

I see Garak tell (Y/N) to get ready, and with that, she practically jumped out the window onto a tree and climbed up to the roof.

Obi: ok, so can someone fill me in, please

Shirayuki: Why did everyone get so serious when he mentioned (Y/N) father.

Ryu: he is a terrible man, and the fact that he's here means one of two things. He is here to talk to her and the princes or

Garak: He's here to take her away, and we really won't see her again

Mitsuhide huffed and barged out i decided to go after her, i was stopped by Garak. She looked at me with concern in her eyes. Shirayuki rushed out the door and with that i followed after (Y/N), i figured she went to her bedroom and of course here balcony doors were open, i jumped onto the railing and looked in and saw her nearby in her under wear.






I jumped into the roof and stayed there to process what had just happened. If the master knew what I saw, he'd kill me, and (Y/N) will have my head. I heard a door close, i go back to her room hoping she left so i can look in without seeing that again. I was waiting to hear anything, making sure she wasn't there. As i woke in, it was empty and a mess, there was dresses on the floor shoes everywhere, but all boots, for a lady, she didn't have any heels. As i was about to continue looking around, the door swinged open, and i looked to see shirayuki out of breath.

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