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Kiki's point of view

Zen told Mitsuhide and I that we could have the day off. I though he was going to spend the day with shirayuki, but the day before he was in town with her but thats not like him, i walked down the hall when i saw Obi and Shirayuki walking down with some boxes. I asked if they needed any assistance with any boxes, so i helped move them to the infirmary building and saw that (Y/N) was helping ryu with testing some sort of medication.

Kiki: Is it ok for her to try any medication like that.

Ryu: It's fine ist mostly for some pain and bruises she got yeste-

(Y/N): RYU i told you not to say anything if Garak finds out i got hurt that much again she'll make me do a book report on safety again.

Obi: Wait, you didn't tell me you got bruises during practice.

Kiki: Thats because she never tells anyone shes hurt because she thinks it will burden them.

(Y/N): Hush, i dont what Garak to know, oh and dont tell Zen, either we all know how he'll get.

She seems more carefree now that she's with more people and has seen the care that others put for her. I think she is starting to get a feeling of a family again. I still hope the future will change for her. I make my exit while the others chat and laugh at (Y/N) not wanting to get punishment. When i notice Zen walking to the main castle office, he's going to Prince izana.

Zen's point of view

I'm on my way to finally know all that is being kept secret from me. All that has been going on with (Y/N), all that she has been through. I am down the hall from my broyhers office and see several guarded men. I walked in and saw piles of papers and sealed documents all around the office of my brother's office. I am shocked and inraged that all this was hidden from me. How can the one person i trust keep this much from me.

Izana: Before you let your mind come to one outrage conclusion, read this first.

Zen: What is this, and apologize leter from a past (Y/N).

I look at my brother, and there's a sad smile on his face. One i haven't seen in a long time, once in my life, actually. I look at the folded piece of paper, and I'm nervous to see that my brother has this expression on his face. I opened it and read it.

Dear Iza

From your last letter, i can tell you are not pleased with our little brother finding his first love with a comoner, and i know you are trying everything in your power to stop them from seeing each other. I doubt it has anything to do with any royal statics. You are worried they will be hurt once i return and i will have to marry him. I know you care for im in your own non-expressionles way, but he is not like you . We know he cares for the kindome and its people, that is why it is important that he helps and understands the people and there struggles, that will not happen if you keep him caged within the castel walls like you have been doing for the past years. I encourage you to let them be together, for they will muture together and show eachothers strugles and grow into something great.

Let them be happy because you know as much as me when the time come he will need that one person more than anything.

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