"It has...truthfully, what was the first thing that ran through your mind when you saw me?"

"Damn she look good as fuck. Your confidence took over the entire space. I loved the way you held your head up high, you knew were that girl and nobody could tell you different. That's why I was shocked when I found out all of the things you went through mentally. Speaking of that, how do you feel?"

"Better...I still have my moments but I'm definitely not what I used to be. And I have you to thank. A few years ago when the whole starvation thing happened and how I treated you, I knew it was time for to stop shutting you out. I used to tell myself, well he has to tell me I'm beautiful, we're married. That's why I would feel better if a complete stranger said it. But now I know that you're saying it because you mean it."

"Yes. I love everything about you Mya. From the top of your big head, to the bottom of your crusty feet."

Mya laughed while burying her face in his chest. "You're annoying, but I love you."

"I love you too."

"Did you think our relationship would go this far when we first got together?"

Rubbing his goatee, Chris shook his head. "Did I think we'd end up married for 7 years, with 3 kids, super in love with each other? No, I didn't." He laughed.

"Well it's good to know how you feel." Mya rolled her eyes.

"Baby, I never ever wanted to get married. You know that. You becoming my baby mama, yeah I knew that would happen. But marriage, absolutely not. I made a vow to never get myself caught up in that type of commitment but that's because I was chasing behind the wrong woman."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, when I started realizing I couldn't live without you, couldn't sleep without you, function without you, I knew I had to do something different. When I saw how much my daughter loved you, when you gave birth to my first son, I couldn't treat you like everybody else. I'll never forget when I picked out your first ring, I was basically in shock that I was actually going through with it but it's definitely been the best decision ever."

"Where is my ring?"

"Probably at the bottom of the ocean by now."


"I was being all dramatic and shit, I tossed it in the ocean." Chris laughed.

"I should toss you in the ocean. That ring meant a lot to me." Mya pouted.

"My bad, I'll get you another one made."

"It's not the same, don't worry about it." Mya rolled her eyes.

"Hush crybaby. I'll get you another ring." He held her face and brought it to his, kissing her lips lips over and over.

"Was Hawaii always where you wanted to propose or did you have something else planned?"

"I was going to go all out. Something like I did for our anniversary but something just clicked inside of me and told me to go ahead and let you know how much I love your crazy ass and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

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