Evie and I had gotten our first sponsor, a company making costumes for dancers and we sat the whole plane ride designing our next costumes that would be from the company. They made gorgeous costumes for all kinds of categories and we had agreed to let them make all of our costumes for the bigger competitions.

The day of Evie's birthday, we gathered outside of her and Pierre's hotel room with our gifts and flowers. Max had found a cake at a local grocery shop and had written on it with chocolate buttons. We knocked on the door and Pierre let us in to sing for her. She woke up, looking at the cake and she tried to wake up. We lit the two candles of a two and a zero and let her blow them out.

"Congratulations on beating teen pregnancy!" I sang, grabbing her head to kiss the side of her face. She laughed and Max slapped the back of my head, but Sophie laughed as she began cheering even more about her daughter managing to use protection.

We didn't have that much time to celebrate her that morning, because we all had to get ready and get to the paddock. It's getting harder to figure out birthday gifts that aren't experiences, so for something to wrap I just gave her a bunch of jewelry and some nice clothes I thought would fit her, and the experience part she'd have to wait for.

At the paddock she got congratulations all over. By Toto, Will Buxton, Kym Illman, Rosanna and like anyone who knows who she is and was informed of it being her birthday. It was a nice day and she didn't seem to mind spending it at the paddock. We had a nice time and didn't worry too much about the results because that can ruin a mood pretty quickly.

In the evening we went to have dinner, and then we went to the most Canadian thing ever. The Montreal Canadiens were playing Toronto Maple Leafs and apparently that's a big thing. I had never been to a hockey game before, but my dad was horribly jealous of me, since he's become a huge hockey fan since moving to Sweden. However, I had never been to a hockey game before so I was extremely shocked by how violent it got at times.

Evie and I still had a wonderful time. There were some attractive guys on the ice pushing a puck around, they fought, they were sent into a penalty box for some different reasons I can't explain to you, and sometimes the game was stopped and they said words over the speakers. People were rowdy around us, and it really got Pierre, Charles and Max going too. They would cheer or shout, which Evie and I saw as a cue to clap a little, but we didn't even know which team they cheered for. I think I wanted the blue team to win, because I've seen their logo a lot before so I guess they're a big favorite.

We didn't get to celebrate properly until Sunday after the race, considering they couldn't do too much with a race the next day. But we went to dinner before taking her out to celebrate with some of the drivers on the grid, and her mother. She had argued she also wanted to come with us, no matter what we were doing, so we took her with us and she was a lot of fun. She drank and she danced, talking to anyone around and also making sure to embarrass her daughter for the fun of it.

Now, the experience Charles and I gave her as a birthday gift was a vacation for her, Pierre, Charles and I during the summer break, right before her trial against her old best friend starts. She'll be busy and stressed a lot during that so it will be nice for her to relax before that. She gets to choose the location, but Charles and I will pay for it and organize the whole thing. Going away together like we did in Venice would be nice, because I know that this time I wouldn't have to worry about Charles and I being seen together.

Back home, Evie and I really focused on dancing. We did our duo practice for longer hours and more days. I had to double it with some solo practices, which meant I was away for full days. Lawrence also got us our own PR manager, which made it seem like we were building more of a team. But he wanted to lift the load of answering emails and calls regarding sponsors and such, so it simply wasn't our job anymore, but the PR manager, Emma, asked us about everything before saying yes or no.

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