maybe this wasnt a set up

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It's been three days after seeing ashton. And marcys new boyfriend coming over every second. "Pancakes anyone" my mother shouted , as I hopped out of the shower, drying my hair with a towel, then walking into my room, grabbing some leggings with a white t with multiple stars on it and my hair into a sloppy bun, with ankle socks, I walked down stairs, to find piles of pancakes on a plate."Wow" I mutter hugging Mar y, as I began to eat.

After I finished,"oh, um ashton called yesterday told me he was coming to pick you up some time today, to go see a movie" I raised a brow."Um okay" I'm starting to think he doesn't like me as a sis, like more. But I don't like him back.

So I sat down on the couch. Until he came. He wore some skinny jeans and a green coat, with a cutting off bang records shirt. I smile as he told me what movie we were seeing. We sat all the way in the back, by some boy that had a hood up and some shades on. Me being scared I sat next to ashton, so he would have to sit next to the boy. We were watching the poltergiest. Freaky movie bro. Making me curl up into a ball, tugging my knees.

I saw the boy walk next to me and sit, making me get queasy so I scooted towards ashton, until the boy threw his hood down, and you could see the boy, it's calum. I stand up. Running out of there, it was a set up. Me being clumsy. I tripped down the stairs, I sat up grabbing my ankle, that had pain shooting up and down.

"Are you okay" calums soothing voice entered my esrs."my ankle" I whispered, as I felt his tight grip around me, he was carrying me bridal style."hospital" he mentioned to me as he sat me in front, with ashton in back, I look back at ash who was looking out the window. I was mad, but right now I was concentrating on my ankle, that was bursting with pain.

I finally got a doctor to look at it. It was sprained, so he rapped it up, gave me some pain killers, with some crutches. The boys waited outside, so when I came out they, were yelling at each other. Maybe this wasn't a set up. They stop and stare at me, as I get my way over to them, eith a stern face."seriously. I didn't know he was going to be there" ashtons face looked sad."I know. It's fine... calum explain" I tried to keep my cool,"how's your foot" he places his hand at the small of my back ad we all walked to the car.

"You didnt answer my question" I say shaking my head as I sat in front."well, I saw him leave, and so I followed, because I knew he was going to be with you. And I missed you. I was just gonna act like some random person in the movies, but then I saw you were getting scared, and I just lost it, I needed to hold you" he placed his Palm on top of my hand."ugh" ashton groans in the back.

We both look at him, confused."anyways, I'm sorry" he looked at my foot."I'm fine, just drive me home" I demand, leaning back in my chair, looking out to the rainy sky.

I was home in no time, not talking to any of them, I shut my door. Then leaned against it as I heard them yell again.who knew they would be fighting about me. Who knows anything really.

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