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*Charlie's pov*

I missed his scent. I missed everything about him, but right now I just needed him and only him. I held tight to his hand, while over the hours doctors have came in giving me steroids and what not. It was now the middle of the night, and I felt this really bad suffocating burn in my lungs making me gasp, and grab my throat, like something was choking me.

Calums face went pale and tested to help, but he ran out getting the doctor, when they came back.

*calums pov*

She was pale, and blue  And purple I've never even seen her like this, the doctors quickly shoved a tube down her throat, and rushed her out of the room, once again leaving me stranded in a room that held sickness in its appearance.

One of the nurses came back and told me to leave, because another patient needed this room, giving me thoughts on if she was dead or not.

So here I am, waiting in the hard chairs, while holding marcys shaking hand, but she was asleep. Every time I tried to close my eyes, I would get painful memories of her sick, and dieing. Until the door opened, the same old scooter we talked to before was standing right in front of us, with the same old clipboard.

"We have good news and bad news, what do you want first" it didn't take me long to wake Marcy up and say"good news plz" my lip was trembling like crazy waiting for some news."she's alive, and this time she's cancer free." That word free mad my heart literally come back to life, as I hugged the doctor tight and Marcy, this time I was crying tears of joy.

"Bad new is... "


Sorry this is very short but I just needed to update and leave you guys with a cliff hanger, in purpose loves yah all, vote plz

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