I have been worried sick about you

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*Luke's point of view*

I woke up to sound of the wind passing me swiftly, reminding me i had a sleeping girl in my arms, not just any girl, the girl i liked, the girl I kissed, Charlie.

I smiled, hoping this moment would last forever,"what happened... luke?" She sat up quickly looking around and quickly got up."w-wait up Charlie, " I scream chasing after, she was now crying, probably remembering last night. God im so stupid, she probably hates me now.

*Charlie's point of view*

When i saw Luke it all came back to me what happened. I hate myself, for? Well kissing him, I like him, i cant . Making me tear up, hearing blurs of Luke's scratchy voice. Making me cry even harder, I like liked him. "I'm sorry" his voice cleared, making me stop. I need to tell him."Luke, it's not your fault its mine, we can't be together okay." I say sniffling.

His face dropped and so did his shoulders, and his eyes, oh his eyes I've never seen them this dark. I couldnt even know what he was feeling. And I usually could right a 200 page book about them.

I had to turn and walk away but i couldn't. My feelings finally reached out to him, and now I was pulling them back in. I pulled out my phone feeling the sand in my shoes. I push the call button to who called my phone last night.
Ash:what the hell Charlie we've been worried sick about you, I have been worried sick about you
Me:stop it ash. Your so confusing just pick me and Luke up and hurry before i break doen again

I end the call and sit in the soft not yet burning sand.

Not to bother to look at Luke. How did this all happen , me , luke, life. I need to get over, I'm not going to live any longer than two months, so might as well, ruin my lungs. Give them a hard time, trick them into being fine when there not. I pull out my pack and stick a cig in my mouth. Lighting it with my blue litter. Closing my eyes and puffing the ever lasting smoke.

who knew | c.h.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant