times up

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*calums p.o.v.*

Today was slow, and that's what i hated about Monday's, slow, and ugly, I guess i deserve this, being heartbroken, like I did too her, but we all knew we couldn't stick her eith cancer , me with my career. "Ash could you hand me an Apple " I say to the boy on his phone, he's always so disconnected doesn't even know what's going on around him.

He nods handing me an Apple, then I feel my phone buzzing, pulling it out it was Charlie, confused i answered.
Me:um hey...
Marcy: hey it's Marcy ... she's she's in the hospital again, she going come fast hurry!

She screamed and ended the call, I couldn't take it. My phone dropped, and i ran to my car, hearing yelling from the guys, I got in and drove straight to the hospital, I knew we wouldn't get back to gether but I didn't want her to leave.

Sweat and tears were on my face as I was in the waiting room, with a crying Marcy."she was out and wouldn't wake up" she stuttered, while her mum was at her side. But no one next to me, I was here for her, by myself. I needed her to not leave, if she stayed I would stay. I promised myself, but it's already been two months, times up.


It's been 5 hours of me sitting there listening to Marcy non stop cry. And me self conscious, and hating myself for this. "Mrs. Lane ?" A doctor in the same outfit I saw last time i was at the hospital starring at us, which I gave another stare to Marcy and her mum they nodded and we all crowded around the short man.

"I'm so sorry, but Charlie isn't going to make. It so you can follow me to say your goodbyes to her" my heart literally disintegrated at his words. She's ... no this has to be  a dream, I say to myself as i follow the man, pinching my arms.

But sure enough there she was still looking as beautiful as she always does. I let Marcy and her mum walk in first, so i could be her last. After 15 min, i decided it was time. I slipped around the corner, she looked pale, and her eyes were red, with a tube hooked up to her, and many other ivys. "I-" she cut me off, closing my lips, and pressing a gentle kiss to my swollen lips. Electricity sparked through me, knowing I wasn't over her, and i never will be.

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