move your fat ass

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It's monday again, and I'm determine to go to the fair, before it's to late. So i gathered the rest well the ones that wanted to come, which was all practically. I got dressed, putting on my crop top, with my skinny jeans and high tops, putting on some make up amd heading to the car, because I was the last one out, we all had to squeeze into this car.

"Mikey move your fat ass" I say, squeezing into the seat between ash who was quiet and quite annoyed , and mikey,"the ass that you wanted " he laughs poking my nose."shut up Clifford" I say, blowing locks of hair out of my face.

Finally we made it to the heated fair. Splitting up is what they all went with, putting their black shades on for disguise. "Someone is at least coming with me" I say. Rolling my eyes. They all look at me, they all seem to be annoyed by me, but Luke just smiles, and nods, hooking are arms together."losers" my sister laughs, walking towards a rollercoaster with calum by her side, and Michael and ashton walk the other direction.

"Finally no drama, and we can have fun" Luke blurts, while we were in line for the spaceship. It might be over for him, but not me

I live with drama. "Next" the man said, letting us go into the spaceship, the spaceship spins you around until you feel like your in space.

"Have you ever been on this one" I ask him, laughing as we buckle are belts. "N-no" he shakes his head "never even been on a rollercoaster" he stutters, making my eyes badically pop out of my head.but I nod, and take his hand in mine, squeezing it tight."it's gonna be fun, but I'm warning you if you puke on me, ill puke on you" I hiss, making him laugh nervously.

And the ride began. And so did the summer for me. Maybe Luke was the one I needed to hang out more often, sweet, nice, a giraffe. Haha."tha was fun" he squealed jumping over to the next line, it was this huge rollercoaster I've never seen before."was this one awesome" he gigled."um, I've never seen this one before, but let's take the challenge " I say looking around.

I'm still thinking about ash tho , I think he's mad at me, but for what.

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