im gonna leave now

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it's been one month already basically wasting my time on things I shouldn't even like met. "Morning" his soft voice brushed my ear. Calum."fml" I say randomly. Two hands grabbing ugly waist and flipping me over to face calum.his eyes were light brown today, and his smirk was unbelievably handsome,"damn how did I get this lucky"calum says, making me blush, rewarding him with a kiss.

"We need to get up, get you to your doctors appointment" calum said, sounding serious. "Thank for caring" I smile, and get up walking to my suit case. I pull out some leggings and a tank top, with a flannel, and some white convers. After dressing I brush my hair, putting it on the side, and walking out, to a dressed calum, he had an all time low shirt on, with some black skinny jeans and his famous vans.

"Will met the guys there kk" he says. Raising his brow, and opening the door. Waiting for me to go out first."wait the guys" I choke on my words."well, yah were part of the fam of yours now" he nods.


Once we were at the hospital, we met the boys, who looked like slobs."this is what happens when we leave you for one night" I giggled, they all Give me the 'don't ask, or ill fucking go all zombie on you' look.I throw my hands up in the air, "can we just get this over with." I shrug, walking into the doctors room "uh do want any of us to come with you" cal ask, I shake my head no, and walk back to dr. Lisa.

*calums point of view*

I was anxious because this would be a time that I thought she would need me the most, talking to a doctor about something she's going to die from. So when we were about to enter the doctors office, I just needed to make sure, that it was alright if I came, but she made it clear that I couldn't come, it hurt. It made me feel like I was just some fling all over again.

I probably am a fling, for her, but to me she's much more than that. And it hurt me that I couldn't tell her"guys I'm gonna leave now" I say, putting my hands in my pockets, Luke giving me the cocked eyebrow, and I leave. I needed time to think about , how she demeaned  so much to me, and I never told her, I never felt this way, and now that I have her, I have to say goodbye.


I was now sitting in my car, in the parking lot, and it was getting dark, like why is she taking that long. I was worried but I couldn't go back in there, when I'm crying. About her, she said no sympathy. I heard a little knock on my window, but I couldn't face anyone now. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, and glanced up, to see Luke.I unlock the doors, letting him in next to me."it's hard I know" he says first, I just nod.

"Thank god you weren't Michael or ashton, they would just tell me she's another broad or, she's not worth it, but she is to me, I liked her for so long..." I look out at the sky, clear of thought nothing dramatic about them.

"Why is it taking her so long" I said trembling at my words, hoping something wasn't wrong."she's has a room, now, she's really sick, they... they... I'm so sorry, they think she isn't going to make it, she wants you cal" he pleaded to me. I needed her as well, but she won't be there for me. When she leaves.

"Okay"I say strongly, getting out. I found her room, I couldn't open it, I just needed to watch, she was in the room, through the window, hooked up to many ivys. I place my face up to the window, scared for her, and my self. I finally built the courage to see her. I place my Palm on the door, and push."Hey" her squeaky voice, shattering my world.

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