just let me see her

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*calums pov*

"The bad news is..." the doctor pauses makeing it harder to breath."she told me to tell you to leave, and to not hold on to her, and to move on, because apparently she had thos whole life changing thing" the doctor laughed but i didn't find that funny, I was heart broken, she could actually finally live life normally, but without me in it.

"Just let me talk to her" I plead,but all he gave me is a push towards the door, I look back for Marcy who's walking into the entrance to go see her. I needed her. I've waited so long. Once he pushed me out of the door, I was furious, slamming a flower pot of the hospitals to the ground shattering it, just like my heart. I quickly jumped In my car, not knowing what to do. I hated myself...


*Charlie's pov*

It's been a week now ,and I'm going home, well not home but to marcys.And i got news her mom's getting custody rights of me. Which I gladly liked, but he was still stuck in my mind. I hated myself to let him go, but I had to. He needs to move on, all I am is a wreck k and he has a life to live, me ill just be another ordinary girl, in the background.

"Charles" I poke my ears up. Because ashton use to call me that. But sigh when it's only just Marcy and her friend: a guy friend. I smirk at her, receiving a glare."yeah whats up, need a condom or anything" I laugh. The boys face going red."no,no,no we just needed some help, well this is Ken" she smiles and the boy does too, pushing his glasses up. I nod.

"Well since you two are in school, might as well" I wink at her, grabbing the paper, and explaining the math problem. They both, nod giving me time to leave."oh, can you bring us that condom you were talking about" my ears froze, Ken said that, I turn around Marcy and him close together."uh... let me go to the store, but no telling mom" I demand. Grabbing my keys from my room, and finding my car.

I ride to the gas station. Replaying through my head if this was a good thing or bad. I find the pack and go to the counter, the lady eyeing me."it's for my sister you know " I roll my eyes, them dragging to ASHTON. His eyes reach mine, as the lady hands me my bag. I walk over to him, waving. I did miss him, he was like a brother."hi" I say, he looks at me then grasps me in a hug, as I do to him."missed yah" he says.

I nod."well how's the guys" I say , but his eyes arnt on me it's. The bag. That I quickly hold behind me."oh well calum, is broken, mikey addicted to games, and Luke who's day dreaming about having sex with a penguin" he laughs,"well that seems fun" I reply,"well I would invite you to coffee, but it looks like your busy" he snorts."oh no no this is for my sister, but I can't I gotta get back, promised I'd get her some" I roll my eyes, hugging him once again, and leaving. Arriving home to the two crazy people, as I walked outside not wanting to hear the noise.

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