Chapter 30: Desperate Times

Comincia dall'inizio

Her eye show off a hint of seduction as she continues to speak.

“Why, you like pretty?”

I reach out to the Blast Core.

She backs away faster.

“Ah, ah, ah. It’s all yours, you just gotta help me break a few crackers,”

I look around in disbelief.

“Yeah, cause in looks like you’re in dire need of help,”

“It ain’t about needin’ help. I just want a little company. My name’s Nix,”

“Alright, Nix, lead the way,”

“With pleasure,”

She disappears in a puff of a gasoline-smelling vapor.

A little jealous, I speak.

“Wish I could disappear like that,”

I head back into the city and I hear Nix’s voice.

“There’s a Militia lynch mob over this way!”

After a bit of following Nix, we end up just around the corner from the lynch mob.

Nix appears next to me.

“We’re gonna have some fun, Cole. Meet me on the roof,”

She vanishes the moment she turns around.

I climb up the building and just ahead of me is a oil drum. 

Nix walks up next to me.

“What we doin’ is simple. You help me pour oil on these banners, and you set ‘em ablaze. Sounds fun, right?”

“Definitely is interesting,”

We walk over to the drum, pick it up and launch the oil as far as we could, hitting the banner. 

We head over to neighboring buildings and repeated the process, covering all the banners in oil.

After we cover the last one, Nix looks at me and motions towards the banners.

I step forward and release a wave of electricity that coats all the banners and lights them on fire.

Nix gets excited.

“Whoo, yeah! Where you gonna run?”

She looks at me a goads me on.

“Come on! Show me what the demon can do!”

After that, she dashes down and starts fighting militia.

I unstrap my amp and jump off the building.

When I reach the ground, I release a ton of energy, envelopping the area in electricity.

Militia fly scatter from this, sending some to the ground and others into the fire.

Nix appears beside me. 

“Good stuff! Lemme help!”

Nix blasts a wave of that hazy substance infront of us.

She looks at me.

“Light it up!”

A shoot a bolt and following the trail of my bolt is a line of fire.

All the militia that were enveloped in the gas were set ablaze.

Nix starts talking excitedly. 

“Oh yeah, baby! You were..Damn!”

She continues speaking.

“Here it is, Mr. Pretty,”

As I reach for the Blast Core, Nix holds on tight to it.

“Am I gonna see you again?”

I take the Blast Core from her hands and speak.

“Of course we will. We got a little something in common,”

As I say that, I activate my powers.

Nix smiles and disappears into a mass of the gasoline-like substance.

Zeke comes running from around a corner.

He starts speaking.

“I overheard a little of the chatter between you and Nix. Do you really think it’s a good idea to hang with someone like that? It might be to big of a mess to clean up,”

“Hey man, I got a Blast Core out of it,”

“Alright, well, follow me back to the hideout and spark that thing. I’ll watch your back while you’re sleeping it off. ‘Sides, I got a surprise for you,”

“I’m intruiged,”

We head off to the roof.

When we arrive, Zeke scampers off while saying,

“Hold on a sec, lemme get the surprise ready,”

I look around and admire how Zeke changed the rooftop around.

“Looks just like home,”

A few minutes later, Zeke walks out.

He’s wearing a Militia outfit.

He jokingly starts speaking.

“Get your hands up you deviant subhuman homosapien,”

“You joind the Militia?”

“Nah, it’s more like, Zeke Dunbar: Double Agent. I’m a spy,”

“For our side, right?”

“Oh, ye of little faith,”

“Well, my faith has been shaken before, Zeke,”

Zeke looks a little hurt by the comment.

“Come on, I thought that was water under the bridge,”

He continues.

“Come on! You ready for that Blast Core?”

I take the Blast Core out of my pocket and fire it up.

An immense wave of power goes through my body and I blackout.

The Legacy of Cole MacGrathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora