Chapter 24: Leaving Empire City

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It’s been a few weeks since I killed Kessler. Since then, I’d cleared out the Neon, the Warren and the Historic District of all it’s enemies. The city is relatively safe now.

While I’m walking through the Empire City, a helicopter flies above me and starts to descend.

When the helicopter lands infront of me, a woman steps out.

She speaks to me.

“Hey, Cole,”

“Uhh, hey. Who are you?”

“I’m Lucy Kuo. I’ve come to help you,”

“Yeah, heard that one before. How can you prove it?”

Kuo hands me a file. I open it and it contains information about The Beast, something called the “Ray Field Inhibitor” and a photo of someone named “Dr. Wolfe”.

She must’ve seen my realization because she starts talking again.

“I’ve come to help you prepare for The Beast. Dr. Wolfe developed the Ray Field Inhibitor. It’s designed to reverse the effects of the Ray Sphere,”

“Really? So I can beat The Beast and go back to a normal life?”

“Pretty much,”

“Then I’m in,”

“Glad to be working with you Cole,”

“You too,”

I reach out to shake her hand.

I speak again.

“You should meet Zeke,”

“He’s a friend?”

“Yeah. More than that actually, he’s like a brother to me. We move as a unit,”

“Nice. We’ll need that kind of teamwork,”

We start to head over to the rooftop.

When we arrive, Zeke is watching tv. I call out to him.

“Hey, Zeke!”

“Yeah, brother?”

He gets up, and looks towards Kuo.

“Who’s the chick?”

Kuo starts to talk.

“I’m Lucy Kuo, I came to help you guys with The Beast situation,”

“Nice to meet you, Lucy. We need all the help we can get,”

I turn to Kuo and ask her a question.

“Do you happen to know when The Beast is supposed to show up?”

“It should show up in about a month. We have time but not much,”

“What’s your game plan?”

“We head down to New Marais, amplify your powers, and defeat The Beast,”

Zeke chimes in.

“New Marais? Hell, we could amplify Cole’s powers and have time to spare,”

I chuckle.

“Heh. I’d enjoy that,”

Kuo speaks. 

“You guys can do whatever you want after the Beast is defeated. But we should leave next week, it’s the best time for Wolfe”


-1 week later-

Kuo arrives on the rooftop.

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