Session 4.6: Into Lendrigol

Start from the beginning

Another bellow rang out as the creature slammed against the barricade, causing another crack.

"Argent and I discuss this. I break wall and we leap across to building beside," Hamish hesitated, worry creasing his brow, "But there is problem."

The defenses weakened. More of the purple tendrilled squids tried slipping through. Selene, without hesitation, thrust her dagger through the creature and slashed it open. Argent did the same to another.

"What is it?" Argent said exasperated, smashing another tentacled creature as it tried to wriggle through with his pommel.

Nearby, a strange scuttling sound came from outside, then a large crash came through the outer wall of the building.

"Something is out there on wall. Is very big and appears to know we are here." Hamish explained.

Jezran listened closely, then groaned, "That sounds like a Baresch."

"Can we handle it?" Argent asked.

"I do not know, but I expect it will not allow us to cross safely," Jezran explained, scratching his peculiar beard.

"I can freeze the wall, trapping it for a moment," Ari offered as she stood with her ear against the outer wall, "Hamish, do you think you could break that part of the wall and cause it to crash to the ground? That might be enough to stun it, at least."

Hamish grinned, "Clever scheme, friend. Yes, I am sure! You freeze, I break."

"Okay, let's do this," Ari took a deep breath, then whispered something in a strange tongue.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled visibly as her eyes turned from a deep brown to an icy blue.

Her incantation complete, she placed both hands firmly against the wall. In an instant, the wall froze. The beast outside cried out in pain and shock.

"NOW HAMISH!" She cried.

Hamish broke into a full sprint and slammed his shoulder into the wall. The frozen wall shattered, and the Baresch outside, some hideous mix of crab and eel, fell into the alley below.

"Great, now how do we get inside the other building," Selene asked, staring at the gaping hole in the wall.

"Allow me," Jezran stepped forward, gripping his focus. Quickly, he cast the same spell used to open a hole in the wall in their race to the tower. A hole, large enough for a person to pass through, appeared on the other building.

"Good. Now everyone, get going!" Argent cried.

Ari didn't hesitate, she leapt across in a single bound, landing inside. She was soon followed by Jezran and Hamish.

"This is crazy, how are we going to survive out there?" Selene asked, catching one of the tentacled creatures on her dagger right before it leapt from the wall toward her.

"Don't know, but we're all dead if we stay here," Argent said, slashing another one as it crawled through the doorway, "Now jump! I'll be right behind you."

Selene nodded, and rushed for the exit. She leapt the distance between the buildings with the practiced ease of a thief and landed in a roll. Argent soon followed.

The rest of the party were making short work of a Drowned,shambling around the room.

"Jezran, can you shut this hole?" Argent asked as he came through.

"Oh, sure." Jezran said, snapping his fingers. The hole shut in a blink.

"Good, that should buy us some time," Argent said, wiping the blood off his swords on his sleeve, "We'll need to keep moving, to keep them from finding us again. Probably until dawn."

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