Session 3.4: Lendrig's Hollow

Start from the beginning

Everyone quickly went round the table introducing themselves, then turned to Argent, who was seated on the far end. He leaned against the table, hands folded in front of him. "My name is Argent. I need to speak with an expert of the arcane and Syndramire," Argent said, his eyes meeting Jezran, "I was told you were in Lendrig's Hollow attempting to study the ruins and could assist me."

Jezran raised an eyebrow, "How did you know I was here, not many folk outside the College know."

Argent paused for a minute, choosing his words carefully, "Let's say I'm an old friend of your master."

Jezran's eyes grew wide, "You know Master Kalrei'beshiru?"

Argent nodded, "Yes, I've known him a long time, back when he was just known as Kal. He said I could trust your research."

"" Jezran said, "I don't think I've ever met anyone who knew my Master before he gained his wizard's name."

Selene turned to Ari in confusion and whispered, "What's a wizard name?"

Ari shrugged then said a little louder than a whisper, "Famous Wizards have long names, so wizards need long names at the College in Dunbarrow for...some reason. Makes them feel special, I think?"

Jezran heard their conversation and was obviously offended by her answer, "No, it's how we separate levels of magical mastery. Each syllable after the first shows a wizard has shown a prerequisite level of mastery in magic."

Ari nodded, "Right, right. So...because it makes you feel special?"

He was about to respond when Selene jumped in, "Wouldn't that mean you aren't very high level, Jezran?"

Jezran turned to face her, flabbergasted. "I...what? No! I am a-"

Selene cut in again, "Also, wouldn't that mean Arifrenya here was a better wizard than you?"

The wizard began to turn a shade of red, "What? No, that's not..."

Ari giggled, "She's got a point, Jezran. My name is longer than your's and I practice magic."

Jezran turned a dark shade of purple, he seemed to want to retort, but instead his mouth just kept opening and closing for a minute.

"Leave him be," Argent said, a smile tugging at his lips, "Especially you, Ari. You know how Dunbarrow wizards get about their names."

"I do?" Ari thought for a moment then laughed awkwardly, "Oh yeah, Kal always hated when I called him that, especially that one time I did it in public."

While Ari was lost reminiscing, Jezran regained his composure and returned to Argent, "Anyway. Argent, I have a million questions to ask, but first I must know. How do you two know my Master?"

Argent thought for a moment, then said flatly, "It's a long story. To make it short, I helped him with an errand a long time ago and he's owed me ever since."

"I...see." Jezran said, deflated. He sat back down in his chair, clearly dissatisfied.

Returning to the present, Ari tried consoling the wizard, saying, "Don't worry, he does that to everyone."

"He is like...rose bush," Hamish explained, "Pretty flowers, but watch out for thorns."

Argent made a face at that comment, "Pretty flower?"

Selene giggled as Ari snorted.

Any further conversation was interrupted as dinner was soon ready. They all ate in silence. Selene found the food bland, even by her standards. Based on the expressions of her companions, she concluded she was not the only one.

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