Thompson, Foreman and the other two officers all have their aim on the man.

Y/N saw this and backed up in shock. Laney cleared her throat, holding her gaze on Sanzu.

" know better than this." Laney says. Her voice echoed down the hall. He grins wider.

"This wasn't apart of my plan lovely Laney, I promise you. But my baby's here and I just wanted to say hi to her." He says.

Willow unholstered her gun, aiming at him.

"Let him go, and put the gun down." She orders.

"Hell no, I'm not fucking stupid." He laughs.

Y/N was frozen, not knowing what to do. Everything is confusing for her. Hearing the words suicide and now seeing both Sanzu and Naoto perfectly fine.

What exactly is happening? It's all she wants to know.

"Shit." Laney cuss lowly.

"What are our orders ma'am." Foreman asks.

"To not shoot and let him go so he can live happily ever after with his sweetheart." Sanzu answers in a high pitch voice, then he laughed, pressing the barrel of the gun harder to Naoto's head.

Officer Laney glanced at Y/N. She's not going to give Y/N up to him, that'll be madness. However, if it's Y/N he wants, then maybe he can get her.

Officer Laney exhales. "Everyone fall back."


"Are you crazy?!"


Foreman wasn't so pleased with the orders. However in the end, they exited the hall.

"What are you doing?" Foreman asks in a whisper.

"Just call a code yellow, make sure everyone is prepared just incase things escalate." She informs quietly.

Officer Laney took Y/N by the wrist and unholstered her forearm from her waist.

"Watch it now, my baby's precious to me, I don't want you to hurt her and I have to hurt you in return." Sanzu states.

"This would be easier if you weren't here." Laney whispers in her ear. " could be helpful in this moment. Sanzu has a liking to you. Talk to him, get him to let Tachibana go as well as the gun. He'll listen to you." She informs.


"Only you can save Tachibana."

Y/N exhaled a breath. She should've done her research on the man. Laney tugged at Y/N's pants, making her hitch in a breath.

Laney placed her gun in the waist of her pants. "You might need it. Go on."

Sanzu stared at them, wanting to know what they're whispering about. He didn't like it, feeling completely left out.

"Do you like how they're telling secrets? Hm?" He asks Naoto. Naoto mumbled in response. He muttered a, 'fuck you', but of course Sanzu didn't catch it.

"Oh yeah I even forgot." Sanzu finally removed his hand from Naoto's mouth, holding him in the neck instead.

"Y/N don't! Don't come close."

"Leave her be Naoto."

"This is crazy!"

"I like you better when you're not talking." He whispers in his ear.

"Fuck you Haruchiyo."

"Don't push your luck, I need you as bait."

He grunts, looking at Y/N who passed the first cell. He can't believe Officer Laney would send Y/N on a death walk.

𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒓 03695 / 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒛𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒚𝒐Where stories live. Discover now