When the Hyungs Are Away...

Start from the beginning

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One day in, and the dorm was already a huge mess. With no Seonghwa to nag them about cleanliness and no Hongjoong to scold them about their behaviour, everything was utter chaos. It had gotten so bad, that even Manager Ho had lined them all up and given them a thorough scolding of how irresponsible and immature they were. He had made it very clear he was very disgusted at their behaviour and it had to change quickly.

This had awakened a blame game. Jongho said it was Wooyoung's fault there were ramyeon dishes all about the room, but Wooyoung blamed Yunho for staying up late playing video games so Wooyoung had been too tired to wash the dishes, but Yunho blamed San's crappy attitude was annoying him, so Yunho had played the games to calm down, but San said it was everyone else's fault he was cranky, but Yeosang blamed the others because they weren't doing anything fun he had suggested, but Mingi didn't remember him suggesting anything and blamed Jongho for blaming Wooyoung who had then blamed Yunho. So it went around and around.

But after a few hours of giving each other the silent treatment, Jongho apologised to Wooyoung, who in turn apologised to Yunho, and so on. They then decided to watch a movie together as part of making up after the fight. But San disagreed with everything they chose. Everything was either too scary, too gory, too cringey or he had seen it before. It was during this argument, that Yunho received a video call from Hongjoong.

"How is everything going?" Hongjoong asked.

Yunho glanced at the arguing members behind the phone. "Er, as well as it could be expected, I guess."

"I'm not deaf, Yunho. Why are they fighting?"

Yunho winced. "They are not really fighting, hyung. Just having a minor disagreement."

"I can hear San swearing at someone, Yunho," Hongjoong sounded exasperated and annoyed. "Give him the phone please." He waited as the phone was passed over with a muttered apology from Yunho. As soon as San's face came on the screen, Hongjoong knew something was up. San wasn't even trying to hide the fierce scowl on his face. "San, are you allowed to talk like that to the members?"

San's scowl deepened. "No, hyung," he muttered.

"Do you think it is okay just because I am absent?" Hongjoong wanted to know.

"No, hyung."

"Are you guys making it difficult for Yunho?"

"No, hyu-." Seeing Hongjoong's frown, San hesitated. "Maybe a little."

Hongjoong sighed. "Put me on loudspeaker."

San did as told and the members begrudgingly gathered around. Hongjoong waited until he could see all 6 faces, then spoke again.

"Do I need to talk to you all about this when I get home?" When he counted six solemn head shakes, he continued. "I don't want to hear anymore trouble from you okay. I am serious when I say I want you listening to Yunho. And Yunho, I am serious when I mean I want you to be in charge. Step up, and be responsible."

The call ended and the members were left standing in silence.

"Well, what is happening about the movie?" Wooyoung wanted to know.

Yunho took a deep breath and turned to face them. "San can either watch it with us, or go watch something in his room alone. We are not stopping our fun, just because he wants to be disagreeable."

This answer didn't please San at all. Especially when he saw that everyone was happy with that and went to seat themselves comfortably on the couch. Mingi even brought out popcorn from the kitchen. The lights were switched off and San was left standing in the dark alone.

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