Her lips had left hers and she had come to kiss the body of Maya. She had kissed one of her nipples, and felt the blonde clench her hand on the bed. She had then come to kiss her other breast and had heard Maya stifle a moan.

She had continued down her body, at the same pace as she got off the bed, then kissed her belly.

Her hands had come to take the sides of the blonde's shorts. And this one had put her hands on those of Carina.

"Are you sure?" She asked breathlessly.

-"Yes. I want to."

- "o-okay" she made as she let go of her hands and lifted her pelvis just as Carina had begun to remove her bottom.
"You, do you want to, do you want to put on differently?" Maya asked as the Italian woman crouched on the floor.

- "no, it's, well I, it's, it's fine. You?"

- "me, too"

Carina had come to kiss Maya's inner thigh and Maya had closed her hand on the sheet and tensed her body, which had not escaped the brunette's eye.

- "you, are you sure you want to?"

- "y-yes why?"

- "you, you look tense, Maya"

The blonde had leaned forward and cupped the Italian's face.

-"It's just that I really want to, and I'm afraid to cum the second you kiss me... There" she answered, before kissing her.

- "Do you like to be... Lick?"

- "I think I especially like the idea of being licked by you, you make me very nervous..."

The brunette had kissed the blonde on her trachea and Maya had reclined, slowly, leaving the brunette to kiss her again. Once complement positioned, as earlier, Carina had once again come to kiss the inner thigh of the blonde, a little higher this time.

She had gone up her eyes on Maya who looked at her in return and she had gone down her mouth to come to kiss her inferior lips.

The blonde had recovered her t-shirt and had placed it against her mouth to moan inside. At the second stroke of the Italian's tongue in her vulvar slit she had raised her pelvis, without leaving her eyes and she had frowned.

-"Excuse me... I'll try not to ... Move" she whispered to Carina. But the Italian had run her tongue over again and it had ended up caressing her clit. Her eyes had revulsed, she had placed the shirt of both hands on her mouth, she had advanced her pelvis and raised her leg to put her heel on the mattress.

Then the brunette had started again by finishing again by licking the ball of nerve of Maya and by hearing her moaning insults in her t-shirt.

She wasn't sure she could caress Maya yet, while doing something different with her mouth, so she had settled for holding her hips, she who had now put both her heels on the bed.

Carina had stepped back and the blonde had looked down on her.

- "Are you okay?" Maya asked.

-I, I want you to look at me..."

- "I, I, can't"

- "w-w-why?"

- "I won't last long if I look at you"

Then the brunette had held her gaze and had come down her mouth against her sex, she had taken the part at her clitoris with her full mouth and had slid her tongue to lick it faster, making circles around the ball of nerve.

The blonde had moved her hips but at the same time she was apologizing for doing so. One of her hands had come to take one of the Italian's hands and she had squeezed her fingers at the same time she had moaned into her shirt again.
She wanted to continue to look at the brunette and to see her head between her thighs, probably excited her more than the act itself.

The Reunion (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now