I avoided eye contact, "So we gonna sleep in here or should I meet you in there?"

He didn't respond. I looked up at him, he was already looking at me, "What was that?"

"Nothing, what do you mean?" I brushed it off.

"Bring your ass over here," He said, pulling at my arm.

I smiled, looking away again, "No it's fine. Just go get dressed. Trust me. Okay?"

"I didn't ask," He said bluntly. I bit my lip and looked up at him. He looked down at his lap and back at me, "I don't have all night," I got up on my knees next to him and he pulled my legs open across his lap.

"I just-" He grabbed my neck, interrupting me with another kiss. This one was hotter. I groaned softly as he took full control of the kiss. I found myself subconsciously grinding on him softly and pulling him closer to me. He let go of my neck and put his hands on my hips, guiding me. I moaned softly, trying to slow down. I pulled out of the kiss, "Wait," He closed the gap between our lips again, I could practically feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. I gave in and let myself get lost in the moment. Our hands explored each other's bodies, I wasn't sure how long it actually lasted. Suddenly his lips left mine. I found them on my neck, I was breathing heavily, "Judah, stop."

He pulled back, looking at me, "What's wrong?"

"You need sleep. You have work tomorrow," I kept trying to talk, but he rolled his eyes and started kissing my neck again, "Seriously, you're going to regret not taking a nap when Justin is talking shit to you about being unproductive at work, again." His hands went underneath my shirt and traveled up my back, but I was trying to keep my head in the right place, "You know I'm right. I want this so bad, I want to be so selfish. But-" I gasped as he pulled me into his lap, he was sucking on my neck roughly. I was definitely getting a hickey from this, "Babe, I'm trying to be a good life partner, if you keep going we will not be taking any naps and that is a promise," he slowed down and the suction dissipated, "Thank you, you know you're exhausted."

"Life partner," He repeated, "Sounds official to me," He continued kissing my neck slowly.

"That's all you heard?" I groaned.

"No," he pulled back, "I guess you're right. I just don't want to think ahead right now. I just want more of this."

I got off of his lap, "Just go get changed, press pause. We can continue this in exactly 24 hours."

He laid back on my bed, looking at me, "That's the equivalent to a million years."

"I know, but we both know it's the responsible thing to do," I hugged my body, more to give my hands something to do other than what was on my mind.

He sat up, "Since when were we responsible?" He stood up and walked out of my room.

I let out a long breath, proud of myself for having self control. My heart was still racing, I hadn't gone this long without sex since before I graduated high school. I'd probably be able to climax with a bit more friction, I don't think I would even need skin to skin contact at this point. I groaned and laid back on my bed, my hands were on my head. I was trying to focus on being good for him. It was important for me to change so that I felt like I was good enough for him, that's probably the only reason I was finding strength to hold out. I wanted to do the responsible thing and make sure he got as much sleep as he could before he had to leave in an hour and a half. Especially after how tired he was when we got off on Wednesday.

"Come here!" He shouted from across the apartment. I got out of my bed and walked to his room.

I was standing in the doorway, "I think I should just let you crash in here by yourself."

Balance, BabyWhere stories live. Discover now