35 - Every Moment is the Right Moment

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You know those moments you get when you feel infinite? Saying that you "feel infinite" is so cliché. Writing lyrics or composing makes me feel this way. There's a certain high that I get out of putting pencil to paper after tickling the ivories. It puts me in a place where I realize who I am and what I've been placed on this Earth to do. Sure, I have moments where I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing or why I've been blessed opportunities that some have been well deserved of but haven't been offered the chance, but when I am writing music I feel like I am there. I become one with the self that I want to be. It doesn't come easy when I'm going about my daily life. I envy my friend, nicknamed Kurvy. He knows who he is and what he's doing with his life, and he does it damn well. He went to Harvard for medicine and is doing music instead. This guy can play the cello like it's been something he did since birth. His music has been a part of his life since day one. It's amazing how the sound of a cello alone can send chills up and down your spine. He does it with such passion and it's effortless. When he plays he tells a story, and it's always meaningful. I have moments that Kurvy has when I write music. I feel like these moments come to me when I play the piano, but they're never as prevalent as when I'm composing.

I've felt something so surreal while helping my best friend compose a piece about his infinite moment. He doesn't know I'm writing the music to his lyrics. It's going to be a gift to him, in which I intend on hopefully putting it on our next album. If it's not album worthy, then at least I've helped my best friend finish a song that was written about how he felt. I feel a new connection with him that I was never able to feel before. While writing the chords to this beautiful piece of music I felt touched. It was so easy, yet so hard to come up with the flow of the piece. The line he had written was so intimate, involving the exploration of his new-found realization. I don't want to disclose any of the lyrics in case any reader decides to steal them. But, trust me, if you could only read these lyrics, you'd feel a connection too.

Remember that infinite moment? I've felt it while writing music for my friend's lyrics. I've reached a whole new level and it doesn't scare me as bad as I feel it should. Writing music for my best friend about his own life and feelings about me has made me come full circle. I feel infinite. I'm writing a special part of our story that hasn't been accessed yet. And, hopefully, I can access this uncharted part of his life once I give this to him as a gift. It means so much to me. He means so much to me. I'm finally realizing what I should have realized a long time ago.

My name is Scott, and I am in love with my best friend, band-mate, room-mate, confidant, and other half.

Scotch xx


Scott stared at the man across the table from him before he lost eye contact. Everyone in the room was so excited to hear the final piece of their next album and everyone wanted to get to work on recording it as soon as possible. They all wanted to make it their own. Scott found himself looking back at the music again. This was half his creation and he couldn't have been more proud. He couldn't believe that Mitch had found it, did what he had with it, and still hadn't mentioned to Scott that he had officially known his biggest secret. Written in big letters on the front page was "I Love You MIKE TV." Mitch knew exactly what that meant while he took the music and revamped it. Now it was Scott's turn to wonder. Did Mitch feel the same way about him, and if he did, why hadn't he made a move yet?

"So you wrote this, Mitch?" Avi nudged him. "You've got some hell of a talent in that brain of yours."

"Actually," Mitch met Scott's eyes again. "I wrote the lyrics, but the music is all Scott." Scott got lost in Mitch's eyes and nodded, approving that he had a part in it.

"What took y'all so long to show it to us?" Kirstie laughed. "I can't wait. We get to sound electronic. I haven't been this excited for a piece since Daft Punk!"

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