13 - That's More Like It

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SCOTCH IS BACK AT IT AGAIN! Or was it Scratch? I don't care. I've got something to talk about and I need this outlet. Thankfully I'm drinking water, so all of my thoughts will be sober. I'm sorry if you thought this journal would be the filled with drunk hopeless romantic ramblings.

Anyway, so, I've got a problem. I'm still stuck in this same situation. I'm dating someone but I've got feelings for my best friend. I'm not going to act on the best friend for the sake of my boyfriend. I don't want to hurt him. I just need a deciding moment. I don't know what that moment will be, but for the time being, I'm investing my heart into my boyfriend. That's the way it should be.

On another note, my best friend has been acting strange for the past week. It all started when he lied to me about where he went after we went out for celebratory drinks. I knew instantly but when I talked to the person he claimed he'd went out with afterwards and they weren't even in town I just knew. I need to teach him how to lie a little bit better. LOL. Back to serious Scotch. I know he wouldn't hide anything terrible from me, so he must be keeping it a secret for other reasons. I won't pry. I'll wait for him to come to me.

This update was short and sweet. I just needed to keep whoever cares about my updates... updated.



A week went by and the band and Lindsey Stirling got together to watch their video. It had turned out to be a fantastic production. Lindsey left after the band shared a celebratory lunch and they all stayed to begin recording again.

"You don't think I'm going to let you off that easy?" Ben laughed. "We're going to record On My Way today and Mitch, you said you had finished another song you wanted us to check out?"

"Yeah, I did." Mitch grinned. He was all smiles and happiness on the outside but was in pain on the inside.

"Stop it! Please!" Mitch flinched when Travis slammed his lips down on top of Mitch's.

"But why? You can't possibly tell me you don't still love me? That I made your insides fill with pleasure. That's what you said when we were younger." Travis pulled Mitch's shirt off and fought against Mitch's flailing arms.

"I don't. I never did!" Mitch grew tired. He couldn't fight hard enough. He was drunk, weak, tired, and scared.

"That's not what you told me the day that I broke up with you." Travis growled and threw a swing at Mitch. He quickly flew his body as best as he could and ended up getting a fist to his ribs. Mitch let out a staggered cry.

"Well, let's get started. Everyone get in their places and get your voices warmed up. You had a delicious lunch and now it's time to work!" Ben stood up and walked towards the studio, holding the door open while everyone filed in and surrounded the piano. Scott gave a few pitches and the band did some warm ups. Mitch couldn't focus half of the time. He kept replaying his night, but he put a poker face on throughout their warm up session.

"I was seventeen, Travis. I knew nothing of love!" Mitch spoke with a very breathy tone. Travis had nearly punched the wind out of him.

"Bull shit. I'm a loveable person. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't love me. I bet you told your precious Scotty you loved me." Travis began tugging at Mitch's pants and holding his arms down as best as he could.

"I didn't because it wasn't true. I love Scott and have always loved him." Mitch managed to release an arm from Travis's hold and he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it back as hard as he could, thinking he could choke Travis. 

Travis moved his head so that way Mitch was pulling Travis's shirt off his head rather than choking him. "See, you're eager to get me naked. You do love me." Travis slammed his lips into Mitch's and eased the kiss, hoping he could get him to cooperate. "Stop being so feisty, Mitchell. Save that for later."

"I DON'T LOVE YOU, TRAVIS." Mitch yelled after biting Travis's lip. Travis pulled away and lifted Mitch off the bed and threw him against his nightstand, leaving a nasty bruise on Mitch's shoulder.

"Like hell you don't love me! If you don't start pretending, I can make you wish you'd never broken up with me." Travis stomped over to Mitch and ripped his jeans off. "Now, are you going to make this easy or hard?" Travis winked, hovering over Mitch's almost naked body. "Your choice... cooperate, or wish you'd never—"

"You broke up with ME." Mitch cried. He knew that if he didn't play along now, he'd regret it and probably never wake up the next morning. He would regret every word. But, he had to do it. "I've been a mess ever since. Now that you're finally here with me again, we can finish what we started." Mitch couldn't help but sob while he spoke. He was giving Travis what he wanted, wasn't he?

"That's more like it." Travis finished unclothing Mitch and within seconds, was naked as well. Travis knew that Mitch would still try to resist, so he tied his wrists together above his head so he'd only have to worry about holding them down together. He proceeded to take advantage of Mitch for the rest of the evening.

The band began singing. Their voices blended together like butter. It was such a beautiful sound. They weren't surprised, though. They'd found their niche. As soon as they were finished, Mitch grabbed his bag and slipped away with Ben.

"So, I've got the lyrics and chord progression, but I'm going to leave it up to you t—"

"Mitch, stop." Ben put his hand on Mitch's wrist. "You've been giving me some killer vocals today. You're really slaying it, as you would put it." He smirked. "But, in all seriousness, what's going on with you?"

"How do you mean?"

"Scott's filled me in on how you haven't been yourself lately. Is there anything I can do?"

You can send Psycho Travis away. "No, I've just been really busy this week. I need a break from reality. Maybe a weekend off or something."

"That might actually be good for you." Ben smiled. "You should take a weekend off. Especially since we want to get to work on your song as soon as possible. This album is going to go off without a hitch!"

"Well, I may just do that." Mitch smiled and pulled his notebook out. "Until then, shall I show you my music?"


Scott was standing on the other side of the studio, glancing through the glass. He remained hidden so they couldn't see him watching. He was curious as ever. Maybe he could get some answers while eavesdropping. He listened as a piano started playing and Mitch's beautiful voice shone through. This wasn't the final product. Mitch couldn't find the right chords to blend together, so he focused on making the vocal line sound fluid.

"World under my skin

There for you to find

All I've kept within

Lay before your eyes

I can't afford to lose

Another second with you

I've been waiting a long time

Can't afford to lose

Another second with you

I am yours and you are mine

I am see through, baby

So take a look inside

I am see through, baby

And I don't wanna h—"

Mitch stopped abruptly and stumbled over the keys on the piano. He suddenly began to sob. Scott put his hand against the wall and watched closely, wanting to open the door and come inside and console Mitch. Scott watched as Ben went over to Mitch and held him close. Mitch's small body would jerk with every sob. It was heart wrenching for Scott to see this. What could be going on with him, and how had Scott not been able to catch it? Scott would find out if it were the last thing he did.

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