2 - I Think I Like You Here

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"What's taking her so long?" Scott rapped on the door a few times after ringing her doorbell.

"You're just impatient because you have to pee," Mitch said whilst crossing his arms and tapping his toe. "I'm worried. She didn't sound all too happy in her text."

"I'm coming!" Kirstie shouted through the hallways of her apartment. Once she opened the door she revealed that she was wiping her make up off of her face. It was barely even one in the afternoon and someone had already made her cry.

"Oh, honey." Mitch came in and linked arms with her and kissed her on the forehead, which only made tears spill out again.

"I had just stopped crying, too." She turned towards Scott, who had appeared on her other side and wrapped his arm around her. She pressed her face into his shoulder and sobbed. The boys brought her to the couch and embraced her.

"You just cry it out, and then we'll talk. You just cry." Mitch ran his fingers through her hair and consoled her. Scott grabbed her hand and pulled it to his chest and kissed her fingers. They sat there for a few minutes and the only sound that broke silence were Kirstie's sobs. She tried to speak a few times but the only thing that came out here loud heaves.

Once she gathered herself together, she began to explain what had happened earlier in the day.

"J-Jeremy stayed over last night and we had a nice night and everything. And, um, we went to sleep after we did a few things." She paused to wipe her tears off on her sleeve. Scott reached to her coffee table and grabbed a few tissues and handed them to her. "Around four in the m-morning he was walking around my apartment and he was just muttering quietly and pecking away at his phone.

"I was still lying in b-bed and was about to get up to confront him and then he came back into the bedroom and threw all of his clothes on hastily and left." She paused to catch her breath.

"Go on, sweetie." Mitch began rubbing her back and looked over at Scott and they shared a sad glance for Kirstie.

"Okay... so, whenever I heard my front door open, I got up as fast as I could and ran to the front door to see him talking on the phone. I had to press my ear up to the door to hear. He was talking to some other girl t-telling her that he missed her and that he wasn't busy and that he would be there immediately, and then he seemed shocked and began looking around and she was apparently already there to pick him up. I ran outside after he went down the stairs and then they hugged and kissed and he practically had her then and there!" Kirstie's volume increased and she squeezed Scott's hand and burst into a fit of tears again.

"Honey, you don't need him in your life. You can do so much better than him." Mitch grabbed another tissue and began dabbing at her cheeks.

"Do you want me to confront him? I will kill him! That bastard, he just can't-"

"Scott, no." Kirstie managed a laugh. "He's not worth it."

The threesome sat there and relaxed and the boys consoled Kirstie as best as they could. Whenever anything went wrong, these three could rely on each other.

"This is the first time in awhile that we've all been single. We need to go out and celebrate tonight!" Mitch shook Kirstie lightly. "We haven't had a night out in so long. Momma needs to get her drink on." Mitch glanced over at Scott to see that he was looking away from them and had fallen silent. No. He's not... he's not with Alex yet, is he? He told himself to just drop it. He didn't want to pry because he knew Kirstie would pry, and he didn't care to hear anything about Alex. But I should care. We're best friends. I should care. He shook it off and promised he'd at least make an attempt to ask him to be nice.

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