8 - A Weird Moment

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AN: If you know your Superfruit, you'll notice that this chapter is based on a Q&A video. I know this doesn't fall in the time line, but just work with me. I wanted to add development to the characters. :) I'm going to cut a few pieces out of the video because it's way too long. I've also added my own question to the mix. And, also, just so you know, I've watched the video so many times so I could catch things verbatim. I'm dedicated for y'all. :) <3


Mitch absentmindedly scrolled through Twitter and sipped on his Starbucks drink and sighed, checking the time and seeing that it was getting later and later. He was getting frustrated and he already had a headache. Come on, Scott. They had agreed to film for Superfruit and do a Q&A before seeing the Stromae concert with the rest of the band. He looked down at his shirt and smiled. He chose to wear his black long-sleeved Scömìche shirt. Even though he felt uncertain about his best friend at the moment, he still couldn't help but smile. Scott would be his best friend through thick and thin, no matter who stood in between them. He started a tweet on their Superfruit handle so they could choose a few good questions, and then he sent a tweet on his handle to get Scott's attention.

@scotthoying where tf are you

Almost instantly, Scott responded.

@mitchgrassi in ur arms soon hopefully

Why does he do this to me? Mitch sighed and switched back to the Superfruit handle to read some of the crazy tweets.

Within minutes, Scott finally arrived. "Mitchy!" He ran over to the couch that Mitch occupied and hugged him. "I told you I'd be in your arms soon." He grinned and shook Mitch until he smiled.

"We have to record fast now! We're not going to be late for this concert!" Mitch leaned forward and turned the camera on. "I got you Starbucks." Mitch picked the drink up and handed it to Scott.

"Thanks boo." Scott winked and grabbed the drink and took a sip. He put it down and glanced over Mitch's shoulder, seeing that he was scrolling through all of the fan's questions. Scott had a spontaneous idea to get their minds rolling. "Knock knock!"

"Who's there?" Mitch put his phone down and went with it.


"Apple who?"

"Apple, apple, apple, banana!" Scott burst into a fit of laughter. Mitch couldn't help but stare. He's so cute when he laughs.

"That was so cheesy!" Mitch laughed. "I think Bey would be proud, though."

"Damn right she would be!"

"Okay! Let's start!" Mitch glanced at his hair on his phone and put the phone away again. He counted them down. "Three, two, o-"

Before Mitch could continue, Scott started singing really high pitched and started dancing super loudly. "I HAVE SO MUCH PENT UP ENERGY!"

"Why?" Mitch began to wonder what Scott was doing while he was running late for the video. He wouldn't think anymore of it.

"Hi! Welcome to Superfruit, yeah." Scott danced and sang. 

"You're cute. But I have a terrible headache." Mitch frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Scott pulled Mitch into a hug. "We can get you some medicine?"

"Eh, fuck it. Hey there!"

"Hi, welcome to Superfruit, the best show on the internet! My name is Where's All the Milk?"

"My name is Let's Go to the Grocery Store!"

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