20 - Will You Stay With Me Tonight?

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A week passed by and Mitch was home. He'd never felt happier being in his own apartment and his own bed by 10:30 He felt a sense of security under his own blankets, and especially with Scott there. His first night back at the apartment and all he wanted to do was sleep. Scott helped Mitch get adjusted once they were back home. He had one broken rib and a sprained wrist, and his entire body was now a lighter shade of black and blue. The doctor told Mitch that his rib would heal rather nicely, so he was delighted to know that, but for the time being it hurt to take deep breaths.

Scott was super protective over Mitch. He was so consumed in his time that he'd almost forgotten about Alex and how they still hadn't discussed their recent break-up... if he could even call it that. On Mitch's second day in the hospital, Alex called Scott to talk.


"Scott, we need to talk. I—"

"Alex." Scott interrupted. "Please don't think I've forgotten about you."

"I know. I'd feel pretty shitty too if I'd done what you did." Alex wasn't going to let it slide. Scott knew this to be clear.

"I know." Scott sighed. He made his way out of Mitch's room and walked to the visitor's area in the hospital. He'd hardly left Mitch's side since he was admitted. "Can we meet somewhere?"

"I'd rather not. I'd rather just do this on the phone." Alex's voice sounded extremely dry.

"Well..." Scott fought for words. "Look, this isn't a good time. I—"

"If you're not going to make time for me, I get it. Clearly I know where your priorities are."

"No, you don't get it. Don't interrupt me this time."

Alex sighed dramatically and gave in. "Fine."

"Look, I don't want to go into detail for Mitch's sake. He's in the hospital right now, and it's really bad. I'm here for him as a friend, regardless of what might have slipped out of my mouth. He needs me, and I understand this is terrible timing, but if you'd just been raped you—" Shit, I said way too much.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say..." Alex's line grew silent.

"Shit. Yeah." Pause. "Look, I wasn't supposed to say anything. But, do you remember Travis?"

"I think Mitch's mentioned him." Alex's tone completely changed. He actually sounded concerned.

"Well, it was Travis. He'd been physically abusing him, too. Mitch was going to take a flight to Texas to take a weekend off and somehow Travis intercepted him and kidnapped him. He'd had a previous run-in with him the night that we went to the club. I'm really worried about him, Alex. So, I hope you will understand that he needs me right now. Don't you dare think I've forgotten about our current situation and how horrible I feel about it. But, you know me, Alex. I'm always there for people I care about, and Mitch needs me."

"I understand." Alex grew quiet. "I still love you, Scott. I hope there's a good explanation for what happened... but I'll give you some time to make sure he's okay first."

"I know it's horrible, considering he's kind of the reason we're at a crossroads..." This couldn't have been more awkward for Scott. "But, thank you for understanding. The second I feel like I can breathe, can we please get together for coffee and just talk?"

"You better be glad you're cute." Alex smirked. "That's fine. I'm going on a business trip to Vegas anyway."

"Thank you, Alex." Scott sighed. "So, are we okay for right now?"

"Right now, yes. When we talk about it, I won't like you. But right now, you're on good terms." Alex laughed. "Keep me posted on Mitch. I'm so sorry that happened to him."

"Me too. I can't imagine what he's going through right now."


Scott stared at his phone and hovered over Alex's contact picture, which was of Scott kissing his cheek. He was crazy for this boy, despite all that had happened. This is what was keeping him up so late. He wondered what would happen between them. He noticed the time. I wonder if he's awake at 1:30 in the morning... Just as soon as he was about to dial Alex's number, he heard whimpering come from the room down the hall. The whimpering grew louder, and then a shrill scream. Scott threw his phone down on his bed and ran to Mitch's room. Mitch was sitting up in bed, tears streaming down his face. Scott sat down next to him and pulled Mitch in to his chest, letting Mitch cry into his sleeve.

"It's okay now, Mitch. It's okay." Scott started rocking gently.

"I can't get him to leave. I fall asleep and he's there waiting for me. I c-can't stop seeing his face." Mitch cried harder, grabbing a handful of Scott's shirt.

"He's in jail, Mitchy. He can't hurt you from there. He won't hurt you ever again. I won't let him." Scott rubbed Mitch's back.

"It hurts." Mitch grabbed his rib cage and winced. "I can't even cry or breathe without it hurting."

"Here," Scott said while reaching for the water on Mitch's bedside table. He grabbed the bottle of pills and poured a dosage into his hand and handed it to Mitch. "Take slow breaths. Focus."

Scott continued to rub Mitch's back in slow circles. Five minutes passed and Mitch was finally starting to calm down.

"Thank you." Mitch smiled softly and Scott lowered him down back onto his pillow. "I don't deserve this kind of attention."

"Of course you do." Scott smiled. "Now, get some sleep, okay? You need to get better fast." Scott smiled and got up from the bed and headed towards the door.

"Wait!" Mitch squeaked. Another tear escaped from his eyes. "W-will you stay with me tonight?"

Scott turned and smiled. "Of course I will." He walked back to the bed and lifted the sheets and slipped into the bed. He wasn't going to invade Mitch's personal space in case he'd freak out by the touch, but Mitch leaned into Scott and practically begged him with his body to be held.

Scott laid his arm gently around Mitch's stomach and made sure he wasn't putting any pressure on his body. "Scott, you've been wonderful to me this week. I wish I could do something for you."

"You're doing something." Scott smiled, holding in the embrace as best as he could. "You're alive. You're my best friend. You're healthy. You keep me sane." Scott chuckled. "You also let me cuddle with you, no holds barred."

"Don't get used to it." Mitch smirked. "Thank you."

Mitch quietly drifted off to a deep sleep. It was only in Scott's arms that he would fall fast asleep, no nightmares.

Over the next four days, this point was proven because Mitch would wake up startled for the next two nights and Scott would join him in bed. By nights three and four, Scott remained in the room with him. Mitch would sleep peacefully, and Scott, too. One thing remained on Scott's mind as he cuddled with Mitch at night. The little black book. It sat perched on Mitch's bedside table. It was practically glaring at Scott as he lay in the bed next to it. It held so many answers and he wanted to continue to read it. He knew he wouldn't get anywhere until he approached Mitch verbally.

Scott always fell asleep at a crossroads. He had Alex. Alex had openly agreed to speak with Scott again and try to make things work. He had Mitch. Mitch had been a loyal and faithful friend to him since the beginning, and it was perfect with him. But there was something about Alex that Scott found to be sure: Alex loved Scott and would make that very verbal.

Scott fell asleep that fourth night with a sureness that he would talk to Alex the next day. He needed answers.

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