17 - Flight Really Delayed

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Mitch came home a few days later and quietly came into the apartment. He'd called an uber to take him home so he could surprise Scott. Mitch had something up his sleeve after his refreshing weekend in Texas. It was as if he came back an entirely different person. Wyatt greeted him upon entrance and weaved in and out of his legs in figure 8's.

"My baby!" Mitch exclaimed quietly, putting his bag on the sofa near the door and picking the cat up. "Mommy missed you." He snuggled with Wyatt and then gently set him on the back of the sofa. Wyatt let out soft meows of happiness while Mitch continued to show him attention after setting him down by scratching him behind the ears. "Shh, baby. I'm going to surprise daddy." Wyatt meowed in what sounded like an agreement and he jumped off the couch and curled up on the floor.

Mitch made his way to Scott's door and he quietly opened it, having to readjust his eyes to the darkness. Scott liked to sleep in complete darkness, so Mitch hoped that the sliver of light from the living room wouldn't wake him up. He quietly shut the door and felt his way to the bed. Once he made it, he slipped out of his shoes, took his jacket off, and lay in bed next to Scott. Scott instantly molded his body with Mitch's, accepting his body into his own.

"Mmm, Mitch." Scott whispered, taking a deep breath in and inhaling the sweet scent that poured off of Mitch. "You're back." He pulled Mitch into an embrace and nuzzled his head into his shoulder.

"Yes, I am." Mitch grinned. "God, Scotty, I missed you so much." Mitch rubbed his hands all over Scott's bare back.

"Not as much as I missed you." Scott breathed out into Mitch's ear. "What did you bring me?"

"Something that you'll be able to have forever." Mitch pulled a hand up to find Scott's cheek. He didn't bother to hesistate when he gently laid his lips on top of Scott's. Scott accepted the kiss, seeming a little startled at first. He soon settled into the kiss and found the small of Mitch's back and snaked his hand underneath his shirt.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this," Scott said in between kisses. "You taste so good."

"Baby, I should've done this sooner." Mitch laughed gently into Scott's kiss. The kiss deepened but only remained at face level. They didn't want to go too fast. This was new territory and each boy had wanted it for so long that they couldn't waste any second of every touch and every kiss.

"You're not the only one." Scott responded with a laugh and continued kissing Mitch. "Why don't you go turn my light on so we can see everything we're about to do?"

"What, you don't want to kiss me in the dark?" Mitch pulled away slowly, not wanting to leave Scott's embrace.

"I want to be able to see you. I haven't seen you the whole weekend and I miss you, and I want to stare into your eyes and act all hopeless romantic-like," Scott said sheepishly.

"God, you're such a cheese ball." Mitch rolled off the bed and flipped the light on. He spun around to see that Scott had pulled the covers up over his body. "You complain about not seeing me and you want to remain hidden?" He laughed and walked back to the bed. He lifted the sheets up and gazed at his Scott... only it wasn't his Scott.

"Mitchell, I missed you." A blood-shot eyed Travis lunged out of the bed and attacked Mitch, causing him to scream.


Mitch woke up to a stabbing sensation in his arm. His eyes flew open as he tried to adjust from nightmare to reality... which really made no difference.

"God, you sure are verbal in your nightmares." Travis groaned. "And sweaty. What the hell is your problem?"

Mitch fought to keep his eyes open. The sweat dripped in his eyes, causing him to strain to be able to see the bright light above him. Mitch was only wearing his boxers and his skin glistened due to all of the sweat.

"Only you doing absolutely what you're doing right now." Mitch's voice was weak. "Let this shit up, Travis. It's not doing anything for you."

"Like hell it isn't!" Travis cackled and leaned in and stole a sloppy kiss from Mitch. Mitch decided that fighting any physical touch Travis inflicted would only cause his strength to waver, so he accepted the kiss. "You've surprisingly made your stay quite pleasant. I just wish you wouldn't mouth off with me."

"You can't tell me w—" Mitch tried to speak and only found it hard to comprehend what he was doing.

"That's the drugs talking, Mitchell... or, rather... not talking. That's probably why you're sweating like a fucking swine." Travis stood up. "I'm going outside to get some air and give you a nice alias on the phone while you have fun tripping out. I'll come back in and then you're going to make up for waking me up." Travis kissed Mitch on the lips again, gripping his chin tight. He immediately turned towards the door and stepped outside with Mitch's phone in hand.

Scott. Please, help me.


"Mitch, where are you?" Scott paced back and forth in the apartment. It was the next morning and still no response from Mitch. He thought to give his parents a call. Maybe he left his phone on the plane or broke it? Yeah, that's probably what it is. He just broke his phone.

Scott scrolled through his contacts and found "Mama Grassi" and dialed her number. She answered after two clicks.

"Scott!" She sounded elated."This is a lovely surprise. How are you dear?"

"I'm fine, mom." Scott smiled. "Just checking in with you, actually. Is Mitch there?"

"Mitch?" She sounded confused. "I should be asking you that question if he's not here." She laughed. "Why, is my Mitch coming home?" Her voice grew excited.

"He's not there..." Scott's voice suddenly grew worrisome. "Mama, he was supposed to surprise y'all in Texas yesterday. He's not picking up his phone."

As if like magic, Scott's phone lit up against his face, showing he had a text message... from Mitch! "Oh, wait. I just got a text. Let me put you on speaker phone."

"Okay." Mrs. Grassi waited patiently as Scott opened the text. His heart was pounding. He read it quietly.

Mitch: Scott, sry for not txting sooner. Flight really delayed. About to head to TX meow. TtyS, bitch.

"Oh. His f-flight got delayed. He should be headed to Texas today."

"Oh, good! I'm so excited. I'm looking forward to seeing him. I'll act surprised just for him." She smiled. "Thanks for telling me, Scott."

"Absolutely, Mom." Scott forced a smile. "Love you."

"Love you too, honey. Say hello to Kirstin for me."

After they hung up, Scott stared at the text from Mitch and felt himself getting sick. He knew that wasn't from Mitch. He knew everything about Mitch down to the quirky little things he did through text message. Mitch, where are you?

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