4 - The Seventh Chair

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Mitch ended up dozing off while he reminisced on his past with Scott and Travis. It felt like forty-five minutes passed by before he woke back up again. He was excited to smell that sexy lingering scent from Scott again and was disappointed when he'd woken up to find that Scott wasn't actually lying next to him. He didn't want to sleep any longer. He had to find out where his Scott had gone. His eyes peeled open and the light from outside practically blinded him. He rolled over to see his phone facing upwards and it blinked lightly every few seconds. He snatched it up and saw the familiar name on the screen.

Scott: Don't worry ;) Starbux.

Yes! Mitch felt hopeful. Maybe he'd finally get somewhere with Scott. He rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom and cleaned his face before going into Kirstie's room and cuddling next to her before she woke up. She groaned and felt around for whoever was lying next to her.

"Mitch... I drank so much last night." Kirstie's voice sounded raspy. "Why did you let me do that?" She barely opened one eye and saw Mitch holding a glass of water and some ibuprofen towards her.

"I know, hon." Mitch gently stroked her arm and watched as she swallowed the pills. "How's your heart?"

"I'll be okay. It's just rough, you know? Break ups aren't meant to be fun. Ever." She finally opened both eyes and met Mitch's eyes as he shook his head in agreement.

The two got themselves up and moving around, changing clothes and putting their faces back to semi-normal. It would most likely be a lazy day for them, seeing as how they didn't have any musical requirements for the day. Scott came home half an hour later with three cups in hand and a smile on his face.

"Good morning, babes." He smirked and handed each cup to them. He focused on Kirstie. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungover, but I'm okay." Kirstie smiled and took a sip of the drink in her hands. "You guys are the best. I'm so thankful for y'all." She patted Mitch on the leg. Mitch gave her a reassuring hug.

"Good. Because today is going to be a fantastic day. You know why? I'll tell you why. Scotty's going to cook everyone dinner." Scott stood tall and proud.

"Oh, no. You'll burn the apartment down! Call the shirtless fire brigade." Mitch laughed.

"No, I won't." Scott hardly made eye contact with Mitch, even since he'd come back from Starbucks. Mitch took note of this and felt worried. "I'm going to invite the boys too. We all need a nice dinner date."

Good. A dinner with everyone. I mean, we don't need to discuss what happened last night at this exact very moment. It can wait. At least the dinner will be with people that I love.


The three party-goers went about their days separately. Scott ran some errands throughout the day for his big dinner and he visited some friends for lunch. Kirstie went to lunch and spent some time with her girlfriends who were eager to hear her break up story and help her get over it as quickly as possible. Mitch spent all day back at the apartment with Wyatt and with his computer, mixing some tracks and making music.

Back at the apartment, Mitch opened up the little black book and glanced over what he'd written so far. He would jump from song to song with different inspiration. He began humming a tune in his head. It was a really simple, short tune. He jotted down some solfege down for what matched with what he heard in his head and glanced at some lyrics on the opposite page and grinned. He gently put Wyatt on his desk and ran over to the piano and began figuring some chords out. His chords went along gracefully to a beautiful set of lyrics.

But now I know,

My heart is strong,

Where you belong

Is by my side.

So will you hold,

'cause time is cold,

But in your soul

I'm standing by.

After Mitch was satisfied with where he'd gotten with his song he spent some time on Skype with a friend from Texas while he waited for Scott to come home. He offered to help Scott set the table or make food but Scott refused, insisting that he wanted to do something nice for the people he loved. Mitch purposefully timed his Skype call so he wouldn't have any alone time with Scott. He'd made a plan to not approach Scott about their night together until after dinner was over. Mitch stayed in his room until he smelled delicious chicken. Around 6PM the members from Pentatonix arrived. It was always good to spend time with the gang out outside of their music, which was becoming a rarity. Kirstie invited Esther, Avi's sister, and the boys came by themselves. Everyone had gathered around the table and chatted up a storm while they waited for Scott to finish cooking. Throughout the chatter, Mitch counted the number of empty chairs and place mats around the table and noticed two empty chairs. The only person who was up and moving around was Scott. Who could the seventh chair be for?

The doorbell rang in perfect timing. "I'll get it!" Scott practically lunged towards the door with his oven mitts still on his hands.

"Who else is coming?" Mitch asked, feeling an uncertainty in the pit of his stomach. The door opened, revealing one blonde haired, brown eyed Alexander Kirk. It wasn't until his lips met with Scott's that Mitch's heart fell to his stomach.

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