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It's been a while since I'm living here...would I say I got used to it?

BTS has made my stay here easier...they are really nice...they help me a lot when I need it , but if they do they need to do it secretly , not letting Jimin know...From the guys I got to know some things about him...not much because they're not allowed to...

They say he is not a bad guy...he's just been through a lot of things...

But...I dont fully believe them...

Although I want to prove that to myself...I want to find the innocent Jimin that is lost inside of a criminal...My heart , believes he is still good deep down...

"Gyeong , prepare my dinner , I'm hungry!" Jimin ordered me , while he was working in his office and I was cleaning it . God! Is this man ever going to give me a break? I'm so tired of everything...

As I didnt respond to him he raised his head and poke at me with his cold voice "Understood?!"

"Y-yes sir!" I said and walked out of the office , making my way to the kitchen . 

Why is he so rude? Ugh! What did I do to him? He should at least speak kingly...even maids are treated well...I just shook my thoughts away and I was thinking of what should I cook for him

Should I cook Galbitang (beef short rib soup)?...I love that soup , it always cheers me up when I'm not feeling good . I slowly started to make it...

After a while I heard footsteps coming closer to the kitchen...I didnt turn around since I knew who it was...his scent filled the whole room . 

"What did you cook?" Jimin asked .

I quickly poured the soup in one of the bowls and served it to him "It's Galbitang!"

He then turned his head to the left and his expression suddenly changed...into a dark one . Oh no...what did I do now? As I followed his stare I see he was looking at the flowerpot .

"O-oh...I saw the flowerpot empty so I put some flowers from the garden" I said getting nervous .


"She also liked the same flowers..." I said in a low tone , not making it able for her to hear it...Why does she remind me of her?...everything she has...everything she deos...it doesn't make sense...

"What did you say?" she asked confused . 

My mind goes easily to my memories with her...they way she kissed me when I got those flowers...her smile...I miss it...

"What's wrong?" Gyeong asked . 

"Hmm?...Nothing" I turn my gaze to the soup . I sat down on the table , ready to eat it . But as soon as I was about to put the spoon on my mouth she stopped me . Ugh!

"Wait! You shouldn't eat it like that!" she then put some kimchi in it , I widen my eyes "It tastes better this way" 

For some reason I just went insane...I couldn't control myself anymore! She needs to fucking stop! I was annoyed...or mad?...sad?...I dont know what I felt...why would she remind me of her! She should fucking stop trying to take care of me!

"YAH! STOP COPYING HER!" I yelled at her in anger . 

"W-what?" she looked at me with her shocked eyes because of my sudden burst .  

It's not fair...I should've forgotten her by now...but Gyeong is bringing me back to her . I remember those times...she used to  do the same...

The Devil in my life | BTS JIMIN FF [✓]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें