Chapter 39

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Sarah's POV

I take a second looking through my suitcase trying to decide what to wear, after a few minutes I end up picking out a cute light blue summer dress and quickly put it on "Zip me?" I ask Pierre turning my back to him, he quickly zips up the dress, but his hand stays on my lower back before he leans his head close to my ear from behind. "You look beautiful" he whispers, I feel my cheeks take on a nice little pink shade as I turn around "Thank you" I smile at him, "S, I-I you know Charles is right, we are gonna have to talk," he says putting a strand of my hair behind my ear, I nod "I know, just, just not today?" I whisper my eyes begging him to not do this today, he gives me a small nod "Not today," he says planting a small kiss on my forehead.

 We go back out to Charlie and Laura, "Okay, so um what are we doing today exactly?" I ask putting my phone in a little handbag "Arthur, Lorenzo, and Mom with Ollie are almost here, we are going for a nice little family brunch," He says emphasizing the word family while he eyes up Pierre next to me, I send Charles a small glare in return before there opens and my family walks in. "Mama!" Ollie instantly runs to me holding out a beautiful rose to me with a card. "Happy birthday Mama!" he smiles at me widely I crouch down to his level "Thank you, sweety" I smile taking the rose and the card from him, "I love you, mama," He says as he wraps his little hands around my neck. "I love you too honey," I say as I close my eyes holding his head close to me.

"You are joining us?" My mom asks turning towards Pierre, who just hesitantly nods a little as all three of my brothers just stare at him,  "Alright then" she nods back at him, "Let's get going everyone" she announces showing everyone towards the door, I grab onto Ollie's hand walking towards the door and without a second thought I see Ollie's other hand reach out and grab onto Pierre's as we start walking down the hallway. I smile to myself slightly as I watch the slight shock cover Pierre's face before he slightly tightens the grip around Ollie's hand as he walks beside us. "Want me to drive?" Pierre asks as we reach my rented car, I nod tossing him the key he catches it before turning to Charles asking for the address of the restaurant. 

It was a good thirty-minute drive to the restaurant, and for most of it Ollie was telling us about the movie Cars as he and my mom watched it last night, he was telling us the whole plot with such big enthusiasm making both me and Pierre smile widely. We reach the restaurant and Pierre gets Ollie out bringing him in as we get shown our table. "Okay, are we sticking to old traditions and everyone orders something and we all share everything or?" I ask raising an eyebrow at my brothers, and all of them shoot a smirk at me "Is that even a question? How else would we eat eggpancakehams?" Charles asks grinding at me, while Laura and Pierre look slightly confused, "Eat a what now?" Laura asks furrowing her eyebrows. "You don't want to know dear," My mom says shaking her head, knowing full well how weird our traditions are

After basically ordering the whole menu, we all get into casual conversations, I catch up a little with Lorenzo as we didn't get to spend much time together lately, but I often find myself lacing over at my mom and Pierre talking, while Arthur, Charles, and Laura entertain Ollie for a while before he simply walks back to Pierre climbing into his lap showing him and my mom his little matchbox car. "He gets along well with Pierre," Enzo says as he also watches the scene. "Yeah, they bonded so fast and easy it's kind of insane, they both love spending time together," I say as I watch the two, their smiles are scary identical so as the sparkle in their eyes, I feel my heart melt watching them laugh "Good, just hope as time goes it still stays this way," Enzo says making me look at him, "What do you mean?" I ask him slightly confused. "Nothing really, just it's always easy to be excited and be happy about something new," he says quietly, "I just, we have known Pierre for a while now, I just hope that he keeps this enthusiasm as time goes on," he explains.

I know his concern is right, it's only been a little time since he knew about Ollie, and the same thought has been hunting me too, "I know, but I want to believe that he is staying, I have to" I whisper the last part, Enzo smooths his hand over my arm giving me a small smile, "It all will be okay, no matter what," he reassures me as the food arrives, Ollie sits back between me and Pierre and we just all start to eat anything and everything that had been put in front of us. Everyone is exchanging food with everyone, Charles makes funny faces as he eats whatever he is given making everyone but mostly Ollie laugh who in the meantime climbed into my lap. "Okay, I want to give you might gift now, I can't wait any longer," Charles says standing up. "I was thinking for a while about what to get you, then after some talking with others this seemed the best," he says walking over next to me and handing me a box.

I put Ollie down next to me taking the box from him, It was a small red box with a yellow ribbon around it, I pull the ribbon off opening the box, revealing a Ferrari key, I look up at my brother utterly confused "Charlie, what is this?" "Well, remember when we went to that Ferrari event in September?" I nod, "Well, you seemed pretty excited to see the new car reveal, so that is the key to your new Purosangue," he says grinning at me, my mouth falls open "To my what now?" "You heard me, it's not done yet obviously, January 10th is the estimated arrival date to us in Monaco" he explains while the grin on his face just gets wider. "Have you lost your mind?! Charlie that car is-" I want to rent knowing well how much that car costs before he cuts me off. "Is a beautiful perfect non-refundable family car for you while repping the Ferrari support" he says smiling. I feel my eyes well up with tears before I get up pulling him into a close hug. "You are fucking insane" I whisper to him. "Maybe, but I love you and you deserve it, plus let me use my connection" he smiles kissing my cheek, "Happy birthday S," "Thank you," I say pulling him into another hug.

We end up spending over two hours in the restaurant, we gather our stuff to leave while Charles reaches for the check but Pierre precedes him. "Let me," he says standing up to take care of it before Charles could say anything. We spend the rest of the day out on a boat, just us having fun playing some games, it was perfection. I just watch as my brother, Pierre and my mom play with Ollie "Okay, I obviously can't overdue Charles" Laura says suddenly flopping next to me. "But happy birthday S," she says handing me an envelope. "L-" "Just open it," she says smiling. I open the envelope reading what is on the paper. 'Lecrec OCORP' I read through the whole now realizing contract. "L- wh-what is this?" I ask confused. Leclerc OCORP was an idea I was wanting to make happen, I wanted to make my own organizing company before Arthur's accident happen, "Exactly what you read" "But this was just a scrap I-" "Now it's not, It's 100% real, founded and just waiting for you to get to work" she says smiling at me.

"Look S, you have been putting your dreams aside for way too long, and with everything that is now, there is no better time for you to start, so I took the liberty of starting up the company for you, I have seen your scraps you damm well have the best ideas and resources to do it having the best possible success." "But where do I even start I-" "You are having meetings in January, and you will know exactly." she smiles. "You are an insane woman," I look at her in shock, "I know, but that's exactly how you love me" she laughs hugging me. "God I don't think my body can take any more surprises today" I laugh.

By the time we get back to the hotel, it was past 9 pm, Pierre was driving as I was looking through the photos my mom sent me over from today. There were two I just couldn't get over, It was me holding Ollie on my hip while Pierre was standing behind me one of his hands was holding onto my torso planting a kiss on my cheek, and the other one was from the restaurant of me as I am laughing while Pierre tries to feed some pancake to Ollie in my lap but it ends up falling onto Ollie's shirt. I can't help but set both of them as a background and a lock screen on my phone. We park down at the hotel. "Stay over?" I whisper asking Pierre as he carries Ollie up to the hotel room, he gives me a small nod, and he goes to lay Ollie down in the other room and gently tucks him in as he seems to wake up a little, I just adore them from the door. "Goodnight buddy," Pierre says smoothing over his hair, "Goodnight dad" Ollie mummers turning on his side

My hand flies over my mouth looking at them as Pierre freezes in place staring down at the little boy, shock written all over his face. After a few moments, he walks outside closing the door gently, "h-he just called me?" he whispers in shock "Yes he did" I smile at him. "I-" he is unable to form words he just pulls me into a hug "How did he-" he mutter into my hair "I guess he is smarter than we thought" I laugh lightly against his chest. He pulls away staring into my eyes before cupping my cheeks and bringing me into a soft kiss. And I just let myself melt into it, Forgetting about everything else, not caring about all the things we had to talk about it was just me and him there, and that was what I needed at that moment.

I am in a pretty happy mood so a happy chapter for everyone :)

Helllo, well sorry for the slow update, my week has been crazy busy and I was exhausted but I finally seem to come to a calmer period till March starts so yay. 

I have also started writing some scarps for my new book so yay :)

Thank you for your guyses patience and thank you for all the love, reads and comments on this book, your support is amazing and it means a lot so thank you,

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment, see you soon xxx

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