Chapter 26

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Longer chapter so enjoy :) 

My head is pounding, I forgot how bad hangovers are. I slowly open my eyes looking around, and my brain slowly starts working, becoming slowly aware of the things around me. I wasn't in my room. I try to roll onto my side when I feel an arm wrapped around my waist. Oh, God. My memories not yet returning to my brain. I slowly turn over to see who is holding me.


Holy shit what have we done.

"Lan" I nudge him gently receiving a groan from him "Ugh I am never drinking again" I hear him groan sleepily. He slowly starts to wake up. I watch his face as it slowly comes to the realization that he is not in bed alone. His eyes ran over my body till our eyes meet. "Fuck" he mutters "Fuck indeed" we just look at each other for a good minute "So we.." I ask silently "Yeah. I think so?" He says looking just as guilty as me. "Lan, I- " I say looking trying to recollect any memories from last night. I think I remember what went down, but everything was incredibly blurry

I was dancing with Daniel and Laura before she was taken away by Charles then it was just me and Dan, Lando came over joining us with another shot, god that was so not needed. That was my last slightly clear memory from then on its just a blur. But I just let myself go my body moving to the song, I tripped a little but someone catches me I look behind me and it was Lando who caught me, we were both wasted, he doesn't let me go, and I didn't want him to let go either, I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck as he held my waist, and before I know it from the influence of the alcohol in my system, I pull him closer to kiss him, I feel him kiss back for a second before pulling away "What are you doing S" he asks confusedly staring at me I shrug "I don't know" say, Daniel appears next to us handing a shot once again I shake my head no but he doesn't let me reject it, one more down, oh god no. 

"Lan, where is everyone?" I ask, my words slurry "I don't know" he says holding onto me "I think I should go home" I whisper to him he nods, and we get our stuff while he calls us a taxi. "No," I pout looking into my bag "What's wrong?" "Laura has my keys," I say stomping my foot like a kid. "Do you want to stay the night at mine?" He asks I just nod, the last shot hitting my brain now completely, on the way to Lando's place I look through Instagram, and the very first post I come across is from Pierre, it's a picture of him, and that skank kissing with the caption my world. I feel a rush of sadness come over me, he didn't believe me, he believed that fucking skank over me, calling me a liar and bitch, accusing me of all kinds of bullshit, him, he had the guts-, soon my sadness turns into anger. Deep down I know that it's the alcohol talking but I feel the need to make him, jealous? Why would I want him jealous? We broke up 3 years ago. What am I saying?

Me and Lando lean on each other trying to support one other to make it to Lando's place "I am going to get some water for us" he says laughing for some reason, as we enter the living room but before he steps away I grab his hand and kiss him again, he pulls away again "Sarah- we are both drunk" He says his words slurring just as much as mine "And?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck "We really shouldn't" he says but his hands wrapped around my waist his drunkness obviously having more control, no more words were exchanged, and we stumbled into the bedroom both taking our clothes off. It wasn't love-Dovey sex. It was a pure need, to be with someone, it was the alcohol, but we had no control over it anymore.

"Sarah, your phone," Lando says pointing at my phone on the floor lighting up with Charles's caller ID, I quickly get out of bed running to my phone "Sarah? Where are you? You were supposed to sleep at mine, " he says sounding worried "I couldn't find you guys yesterday, So I just ended up staying at Lando's," I say looking over at him, he just stares at me holding back his laughter, I soon realize I am standing by his bed naked, I quickly grab the comforter from the bed pulling it on myself. "Oh good, come over later okay?" "Okay, love ya," I say quickly hanging up. I stare at Lando for a minute before sitting back down on the bed "Lan what have done?" I ask looking at my best friend who I just slept with. He sighs "We made a drunken mistake," he says. I suddenly pipe up, "Lando did we?-" I panic for a second he nods quickly understanding what I mean  pointing at the trash, I sigh in relief, I was on birth control, but still, you never know for sure.

I stare at the ceiling for a little, thinking about what just happened, I realize that it wasn't the fact that I had sex with Lando that was bothering me, it was the fact that I was afraid to lose him as my best friend. "Lan," I say turning on my stomach, facing him, "This, this- doesn't change anything between us right?" I ask worriedly, "Of course, it doesn't," he says smiling a little, I see a hint of relief in his eyes confirming the fact that he was thinking the same as me "S, don't get me wrong, I love you but not that way." he says looking at me, "Last night was just... two drunk and lonely people finding each other," he said giving me a little smile "And something we both wanted an answer to" he adds to his sentence, I instantly knew what he was talking about. We were always just friends, but there was no denying we both thought the other one was attractive in the back of our minds. 

But last night we both got the answer, that little spark between us will never turn into anything more than a spark we are always going to be just friends. I look at him looking for confirmation that he felt what I felt about the situation he gives me a little nod before getting up and putting on his boxers. He gives me an oversized hoodie and a clean boxer. "So friends?" I smile at him after getting dressed. "Best friends" he smiles hugging me. We silently agree that the whole thing is going to be our secret till the grave. I don't even tell Laura or anyone.

The next few days were perfect we forgot every sorrow or bullshit situation that went down. We were all together on Charles's yacht, at the house, and at Max and Lando, different every night, the boys bonded with Ollie so well that they all get along very well, and they end up nudging me so long that I end up agreeing to go with them to the next races in the US. We leave about 3 days before the GP, and as usual, we book a room in a different hotel. My mom also came with us and decide to stay on the first day of practice so I ended up going to the paddock with Laura while mom stayed back with Ollie, we just parking when I got a call from Charles "Where are you guys?" he asks he sounds worked up, "We just parked, What wrong?" I ask getting out of the car "You need to get to the conference room now" he says quickly. I confusedly tell Laura and we both rush towards the conference room

"Charlie, what's going on?" I ask arriving and seeing Max, Charles, Carlos, Yuki, and Daniel standing guard at the door looking around and not letting anyone near the room, especially the press "We were all called into a meeting by FIA, and as soon it was over they just started at each other" I curse under my breath going into the room shutting the door behind me "Of course, play innocent Lando! Like you don't fuck her! I see how you look at her" I hear Pierre going at Lando loudly, "Oh shut the fuck up, she is literally my best friend you ignorant asshole!" Lando yells back at him, okay so now I got why the boys were standing outside scaring everyone away. "Oh please, she is with you all the fucking time!" Pierre says his fists clenching together. "Yes because she is my friend! Who I haven't seen for 3 fucking years because you are fucking idiot and chose a fucking shit stirrer liar over her!" Lando yells, I don't think I have ever seen him this angry "What did you say about my girlfriend?" Pierre tenses up even more "You fucking heard me! Your little girlfriend is a fucking liar, stringing your around like a fucking puppet" and before I can stop he continues 

"Guess what, the day that your girlfriend insist that we harassed and humiliated her in public, that never fucking happened! We ran into her and she saw" "Lando!" I yell before he can finish his sentence, they both turn their head to me Lando takes a breath. "Your girlfriend is fucking liar Pierre, Sarah never said or did anything to her, because unlike you, she still has respect for you, and unlike you, she wants happiness for you, even tho you claim to find it with someone and in a way that hurts the most for her," Lando says before storming out of the room leaving me there with Pierre, we stand in silence before he looks at me. "Sarah? Is that true? Did-did she lie?" He asks, I don't look at him. "Sarah?" I don't know what to say or do right now I just. "Did she make up those things?" he asks again looking into my eyes.

"Yes, she did" I finally say out loud.

HEHEEE. Okay, little bit different chapter rn... I don't know where you guys stand on a situation like this but I hope yall understand the whole situation that just went down...

I am sorry but Lando standing up for her tho>>

But I hope you still enjoyed it! Thank you for all the love on the last few chapters you guys are amazing!

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment! see you all tomorrow!

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