Chapter 23

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Okay, you guys really wanted me to post twice so here you go :)

We all get up the next day, and basically, we don't say a word to each other we just silently get breakfast before getting into the car to drive to the track. As I pull up in the parking lot I look over at him "You ready?" he looks at me for a few seconds before letting out a long breath "I think so yes" I squeeze his hand "Let's go" we get out of the car to walk to the team, Arthur stops a few times signing some stuff for the fans taking pictures, we walk into the garage were everyone instantly comes over to Art and start to interrogate him about how he is feeling, I just take a step back watching my little brother 

"Sarah, how lovely to see you" René the team principal comes over to me "René, thank you for having me" I smile, "Anytime dear, so he is ready?" he asks pointing a finger in the direction of my little brother, I nod, "I think so yes, he made an incredibly good recovery" "Alright then, tell me if you guys need anything" I nod thanking him for walking over to my brother again, we walk to his driver's room and he changes into his racing suit, I call the trainer over so he gets properly warmed up before he gets in the car, meanwhile Charles and Lando arrive to the track "How is he?" Charles walks into Arthur's room "He looks fine, they just finishing up his exercises right now" I say looking over at them "He gets in the car in about 20 mins, and Charles just nods, after finishing his warm-up we have a quick face time session with mom and Enzo. Then its time for him to get back in the car

"Okay, if anything feels off, you call down on the radio, even with you feel slightly uncomfortable, any pain, you come back to the pits," his engineer tells him before handing him his baklava he just nods pulling it over his head, "Be safe okay" I hug him before he gets into the car "Love you" he says hugging Charles too before sitting in the car. We watch him as he pulls out before sitting down to watch him over the screens, Charles stands behind me resting his hands on my shoulder feeling my anxiety "He is going to be okay" he whispers to me as my eyes are strongly fixated on the screen. Even after sitting through a hundred million races, watching them drive at insanely high speeds still freaked me out, silent prayers always left my mouth any time they got in their car, and since Arthur's accident? I was even more anxious, my heart was racing as I watched him take corners, I was squeezing the shit out of Charlie's hand

I am not aware of any conversations around the whole time Arthur is in the car, I and Charles wait for him as he finally pulls back into the pits, he gets out pulling his baklava off "How are you feeling?" Charles asks putting his hand on his shoulder "Really tired but good" he says giving us a smile, I pull him closer and all three of us hug tightly. We agree that after everyone is done at the track, we would go to my hotel for a little family dinner and a little Arthur back celebration race. With Ollie's help, we make the table for all of us, while Laura heats the food I got for us earlier. Laura goes to let in my brothers "Amazing job today" she says hugging Arthur tightly "Thank you, Laura," he comes over to pick Ollie up hugging him too. We have such an amazing dinner, we just talk over the practice sessions, even Ollie is really excited as he and Laura watched both sessions from home. The boys leave around 8 pm and after putting Ollie to bed I sit down on the couch with L 

"I think you should go to the track both on Saturday and Sunday too," she says "No, L I can't, I can't take Ollie there with me, too many eyes there" "I know that's why I am staying in with him" "No," I say quickly "I can't expect you to stay in the whole time we are here," I say shaking my head intensely  "I honestly don't mind S, I wouldn't be going anywhere really, I have a shit tone of work to do," she says pointing at a pile of paper on the desk "But what about Charles? He looks forward to a promising weekend, I am sure he would love to have you ther-" " I'll just go to his next race" she shrugs and takes my hand "I talked to Charles, and we both think you need to be this weekend, sweety you are wrecked with anxiety and we also believe it's good for Arthur that you are there with him." I just look at her "Are you sure?" I ask looking into her eyes "Absolutely"

That is exactly what happens, I spend the whole day at the track, and Arthur does pretty well all day, making everyone doubt him not being able to race well again nearly completely disappear. After leaving the track to get lunch I walk to the Ferrari garage to find Charles "Sarah" I hear my name being called with a strong Spanish accent "Carlos" I smile walking over to hug him "So it is true, Sarah Leclerc is back from the dead" he smiles at me "Back and better than ever" I flip my hair dramatically, "How are you?" he asks "I am doing alright" I smile "Hey congratulation to Arthur, we watched him the whole time" he smiles "Thank you, I think he is coming here soon since he came here with me" I smile "Give me a notice if he is here?" "Of course, good luck today Carlos," I say giving him another hug "Thank you, Sarah, Catch up sometime?" "Sounds like a plan" I smile before walking into Charles's room. 

The weekend goes pretty well for everyone, Arthur finishes 5th in the race, and Charles took home a pole position and second place, They agree that they need to go out to celebrate the results, but I decline to go back to Ollie in the hotel letting Laura be out with Charles, it only felt fair like this since she was watching Ollie all weekend. I drop Arthur out at the hotel and quickly go up with him to gather my stuff, I intensely stare down at my phone texting Laura as I go down to the lobby, I didn't even notice when someone gets in. The elevator starts moving again going down 1 floor before the lights start to flicker and before I know it, it suddenly stops making me lose my balance as it bounces a little, I stumble into the guy next to me, "I am sorry" I say looking up at him, he looks back at me with wide eyes. "Shit" I muttered looking at him.


Hehe. double update but with a cliffhanger because why not? :) 

The next chapter will be pretty exciting hehe... I want to give a HUGE shoutout to 33hedgehog16 they are always there for me to bounce ideas, and it was they who gave me the whole elevator situation idea. They have 4 amazing books out, and if you haven't read them yet I strongly suggest going to their page and checking them out, because wow, they are incredible :) 

Once again thank you for all the love, comments, and votes on this book, you guys really motivate me to write and to keep updating for you all. So keep em coming <3

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