Chapter 6

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"Arthur is awake" I smile at the phone "We have to go back to the hospital," I say standing up and looking at Charles who nods, I walk over to Laura "Would you mind watching Ollie just for a little while longer?" I ask her nervously "Don't even worry about S, It's almost time for his nap anyways" she smiles putting a hand on my shoulder "Thank you" I hug her and then give a kiss on Ollie's head "We will be back soon, be good for Lau" he nods hugging me.

Charles drives us back to the hospital "Why didn't you bring Ollie with you?" he asks looking over at me. "I don't think that's a good idea, there are already a lot of eyes at the hospital because of Artie, and you also tend to draw a lot of curious eyes, and just because you haven't even mentioned it, I know he is here Charlie, its F1 weekend in his home country" I look out the window "Okay, that's fair, but you are going to tell Arthur ye?" "Of course, I will, just not right now" he nods.

We arrive at the hospital and as I get out of Charles's car I realize that I in fact drove here before. "Uh, Charlie remind me to drive that car back to the rental when we leave" I chuckle reaching for the keys "You drove here and you forgot?" he asks me laughing "Um kind of" I laugh walking into the hospital to Arthur's room. Walking into the room his eyes lit up seeing me "Sarah!" "Hey Artie" I rush over to his bed hugging him gently "Oh my Artie, you fucking scared me" I whisper holding him close to me. "I am okay, I will be" he smiles as we pull away, Charles also comes over putting one hand on his shoulder while his other hand messes his hair up a little Arthur just slaps his hand away laughing, when the doctor walks back into the room 

"So it seems there is no brain damage, everything looks completely normal and good" we all let out a sigh "Well, that's an update, he wasn't normal before" Charles grins, and we all let out a laugh even the doctor, "But there was minor damage to some of the spinal nerves, really nothing major but some movements may be harder than others," the doctor says turning back into a serious mode "What is that mean? He can't walk?" mama asks him "No, no he can, it's more like the smaller motor-functioning skills that are affected, but with a month of physical therapy it could be easily corrected" we all nod "But until his functions are back to 100% I strongly recommend someone being with him always, sadly when these nerves get damaged we never know what could happen. So I'll leave you guys some time to figure out where to do the physical therapy and other things" we thank him as he leaves.

"I for sure want to the therapy at home in Monaco and I don't want a random person with me" Arthur states quickly we all nod "Well obviously Charles cant be your watcher with the races coming up" I state the obvious "Enzo is in the US for the next 2 months for his business," Charles says "And Mama has the foundation preparations in the Netherlands in the next 2 weeks" he continues to think things through, "So um, S, that basically leaves you" I gulp looking at Charles "I would do it but, but I can't just get up and leave home I need my job, it's not" I stutter "It's not that easy I need that job to support both me and Ollie," I say quietly "Who is Ollie? You have a boyfriend?" Arthur pipes up a little. I stretch my neck "Um, no Ollie, he is my son" I whisper "Your what now?" his eyes widen staring at me. "Yeah, um Ollie is mine and Pierre's son, I had him after we broke up" I whisper "Oh wow" Arthur laughs "So that's why you went ghost mode" he smiles I let out a chuckle nodding at him.

"Sarah if it's the money you are worried about that's easily taken care of," Charles says after leaving some time for Arthur to recover from the news "To your luck, you have multiple family members with pretty high salary-jobs," he says raising an eyebrow reminding me that he is quite literally a formula 1 driver for Ferrari  "I know, I just-" "Okay miss independent you been on your own for 3 years we get it, but you also left us alone for years, its time to pay the debt" Charles gives me a mean smile "Okay that some strong emotional blackmail there," I say offended "Well, it's true tho, and I really don't want some random person in my home taking care of me S,"  Arthur says holding his hands up, "And I have the summer break after the Hungarian GP I have some appearances but than, I will come to help but till than it has to be you S" I sigh knowing they are right "Okay but I have to make arrangements, my job, my flat, I guess I better get at it," I say picking up my phone knowing no matter what I have to care of Arthur.

I go to call my boss considering that I am supposed to be in his office right now talking to him. "Szia, Merre vagy azt hittem mostanra beszéltük meg a talalkozot?" (Hey, where are you? I thought we agreed to meet right now?) "Um, Roli, nagyon sajnálom, az öcsémnek balesete volt és muszáj volt elutaznom" (Roli I am so sorry, my brother been in an accident, and I had to travel aboard) "Te jó ég, jól van?" (Oh god, is he okay?) "Igen, volt pár műtétje, de sajnos egy pár komplikáció miatt, segítségre szorul, és az a helyzet hogy csak én tudok vele lenni" (yes, he had surgery, but there were some complications, and now he will need some help, and the thing is I am the only person who can stay with him) I say nervously through the phone "Szóval, most azt akarod nekem mondani, hogy felmond a legjobb rendezvényszervezőm?" (So now you are telling me that my best event organizer is quitting) "Sajnálom, de a következő hónapot Monacoban kell töltenem vele" (I am sorry but I have to spend the next month in Monaco with him) I sigh "Oh sarah, semmi gond ez teljesen érthető, a család az első, de ne feledd hogy az ajtó mindig nyitva marad neked, ha vissza szeretnél jönni?" (Oh Sarah, no worries, family first, just never forget that my door is always open, if you want to come back) "Köszönöm, nem felejtem el" (Thank you, I wont forget it) I put down the phone smiling sadly at it. 

"Sarah?" a familiar voice rings in my ears making my eyes go wide looking in their direction...

Hehe, a little cliffhanger there :) Thank you for all the new followers and thank you for the 2k reads. see you guys tomorrow :))

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