Chapter 33

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(Okay the thing I write in this chapter didn't happen at this race but in the name of artistic license, it happened at this race thank you. Also, I came down with a cold so my mind is a little hazy, so excuse if there are mistakes.)

Sarah's Pov

I opted to stay home Saturday as Ollie was pretty fussy and barely slept at night and to be honest, I needed some time to process everything, so I just spent the day in the hotel room with Ollie. "Mama, mama!" Ollie comes running to me as I make myself s coffee. "Mama! Mamié is taking me to that watery park!" he tells me excitedly, I look over at my mom a little confused, "That sounds fun buddy, did you pack your bag?" he shakes his head no before running back to his room I assume to pack his bag. I look at my mom again who comes over to me. "You should go to the track today," she says soothing her hand over my arm, I grimace at her. "I don't know mama, I don't feel like that's a good idea" "Trust me, go, for most of your brother will be happy to see you there and he tells me that something is not right with Pierre," she tells me quietly. I dart my eyes at her confusedly. "What do you mean?" she shrugs lightly "I don't know, he just said something wasn't right, also get ready he is picking you up in 20," she says kissing me on the cheek

"Ugh," I say looking in the mirror, I decide to go with simple wide mom jeans with a white tank top and a jean jacket matching the color of the jeans. I scoff at myself as my eyes are still a little puffy from all the crying in the past 2 days I just sigh before going out of my room. "Okay Ollie, be good for Mamie," he nods grinning at me "Also bud, we are going to go on a little night adventure tonight with Pierre okay?" I ask brushing my hand over his hair "Okay" he says before hugging me goodbye. I give a kiss to my mom before I leave for the parking lot. "where is Laura?" I ask confused opening the car door and getting in next to Charlie "She is only coming later, got a conference call or what" he says after greeting me and starting to drive to the track. "Hey, you have an extra cap by chance?" I ask looking at him. "In my bag" he points to the back seat, I just reach back for it.

"Why do you need a cap?" "My eyes are insanely bloodshot, I need to hide it," I explain, he reaches his hand to mine squeezing it slightly, "Look, I don't want to worry you anymore" He pauses "But something is up with Pierre," he says switching his gaze between me and the road. I try not to grimace. "H-he is upset isn't he?" I ask staring at the road. "No, it's not that, he-he seems out of it. I went over to exchange some words with him, but he was barely responding, he was just staring almost emotionless" Charles explains, "Even Yuki said he seemed weird" I take a little gulp of air "Is it because of Ollie?" I ask slightly confused. "I honestly don't know," he says as we get out of the car. "When is he seeing him again," "Today we are having dinner," I say as we walk into the motorhome. "Maybe try to talk to him?" I nod

Everyone was thinking we would have a quiet calm race until, half an hour before the start when it started pouring. I hated wet races as they made me a hundred times more anxious, and there was it, right in the first lap Carlos crashed out, I yell in frustration with the rest of the Ferrari garage and strongly grip my two hands together waiting to see him get out of the car which he thankfully does making me let out a little sigh. The conditions around the track are becoming so bad as the rain only gets heavier by the minute, yellow flag is out as they work to get Carlos's car off the track.

Soon I hear a frustrated yell from next to me I confusedly look back at the screen catching the replay of Pierre's car view. He barely misses the tractor which is standing on the fucking track. I feel my heart stop, instant flashbacks running into my brain. Jules. Nearly a carbon copy of Jules's accident. I feel my hand shake as I stare at the replay, again and again, I damply hear Pierre's voice yelling down the radio raging about how could this happen, I can't really move even a muscle I just let my tears fall down. The cars pull up in the pit lane, my vision is slightly blurry I think I see Charles coming inside the garage demanding an explanation. Then I just feel his arm wrap around me pulling me to the side. He was just as upset as I was. And I knew we were both thinking about Jules.

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