Chapter 3

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I couldn't get a word out of my mom. she was just nonstop crying. I just went to call Charles not even after a ring he picks up the phone "Sarah-" "Charlie what the hell is going on?!" I was on the verge of tears "Mom just called me, she was talking something about Arthur but she couldn't make out one whole sentence what is happening?" I ask fully panicking now "He had an accident today while testing, he crashed into the wall pretty badly" "What- but- Charlie what happened to him, is he- "He- he was fine but the impact broke 2 of his ribs and something hit his head and now a few hours later he was getting sicker and it turned out that the crash caused a brain bleed. He is getting surgery, but- but it just not looking good right now" his voice cracks at the end, and I inhale sharply tears now nonstop escaping my eyes. "I am getting on the next flight," I say quickly without waiting for his answer I put down the phone and drive home rushing into the apartment.

 "Naaa milyen vol-"(How was it-) she stopped mid-sentence seeing my tear-stained face "what happened?" she asks switching to English knowing I was too messed up to speak Hungarian right now. "My- my brother he got hurt during testing and he- he is not good" I choke out "I need to go to France as soon as possible. I- I Laura omg, I didn't, he- he hasn't even met his nephew, I- I was so stubborn and now he might never meet him I-" Laura rushes over to me pulling me into a hug "Shh, it's all going to be okay. He will meet Ollie okay? Go pack up our stuff, I will book us a flight, I am coming with you okay?" she says soothingly running her hand over my hair calming me down "Bu- but your job" "Bitch I am the CEO of my own company I do whatever the fuck I want" she looks in my eyes with a light smirk making me let out a slight chuckle and I just nod going into the room to pack mine and Ollie's stuff. About 15 minutes later Laura came into the room "Okay I got us a flight at 10 am so we have to go like right now, Wake Ollie I pack my stuff" I nod and go over to Ollie "Hey, honey wake up" I run my hand over his hair "Mama, its too early" "I know honey, but we have to get up, we have to go somewhere" he looks at me confused "Mama, why are you crying?" "Everything is okay baby but I need you to get dressed" he got up and instantly hugs my neck "I love you Mama, don't cry" I smile to myself kissing his head "I love you to baby boy"

After packing everything Laura drove us to the airport, thankfully Ollie slept through the whole flight which I was grateful for since he has never flown before. "Okay, I am got 2 cars for us, you go to the hospital, and I go get us a place to stay at and take Ollie with me" "Um yeah but I can handle Ollie" "Really think it's a good idea to show up to your family after 3 years with a kid on your arm at a time like this?" I quickly think through how that would actually go down "Yeah um you are right, um text me when you find a hotel" I hug her and give Ollie into her arm putting a quick kiss on his head rushing to the car typing in the address Charles sent me over, he has been updating me through text, I press the call button "Charlie, I landed, I will be there at the hospital in 30 minutes" I start the car "Okay, he just been rolled into surgery" I let out a loud shakey breath pushing my foot down stronger on the gas pedal picking up speed. "I am coming" "Be careful please" "Okay".

 I arrive quickly parking the car, Charles is waiting for me outside I run over to him wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. We stay there like this for a good minute we finally pull away "You look so different lapinetter" I let out a small chuckle at the nickname I haven't heard that in forever, "It- it's been a while.." I look at him guiltily, after all, I haven't talked to him in 3 years, and even the last time we talked we were fighting. "You think?" he raises his eyebrows "You know you have a lot of explaining to do right?" he asks putting a hand on my shoulder "I know, and I swear I will tell everything, just lets- let's get through this and take Arthur home and I will tell everything okay" My eyes tear up again a little, Charles nods kissing my forehead leading me in the hospital to meet mom. 

"Honey" she cries pulling me into a tight hug. "Hey mama, any news?" "Not just yet" I let out a sigh sitting down. About 20 minutes passes I had just been fighting my tiredness as I haven't slept in 26 hours. Suddenly a cup of coffee appears in front of my face. I smile up at Charles taking the cup "You look terrible, I get tired just by looking at your face" he sits down next to me "Gee love you too bro" I roll my eyes at him faking some annoyance "I am just saying the truth" he puts his arms up in defense "Well you know there is this thing called working a job, so you know you can afford to live on this planet or what" I roll my eyes "But yes actually I was working till 4 am. I was just going home when mama called, so yeah I haven't slept for more than a day now, so thanks for the judgment you can just shut up" I snap at him, not really on purpose it's just the stress and tiredness taking over my mind, I let out a sigh realizing what I just said "Charlie I-" he just shakes his head putting an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him I lay my head on his shoulder "Try to sleep a little, the surgery will take a while" "I am sorry Charlie" whisper to him "I know, just get some sleep"

Look at me actually updating lol. Enjoy. Dont forget to vote and leave a comment mhaw

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