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     The wind blew heavily on a dark summers night, and the force blew down a tree. That tree was the tree of which a treehouse stood, and a group of kids played along the tree. A 12-year-old girl named Peyton Foster was having a sleepover on that very treehouse on that very night with her friends Monroe Williams, Raelyn Moore, Celia Groathe, and Kennedy Vonts.

     "Guys," Celia said, "do you hear that creeking noise?"
     "What creeking noise?" Peyton said, curious of what she meant.
     "You guys don't hear that?" Celia replied.
     "Besides the light wind, nothing at all," Kennedy responded.
     "Light wind? Light wind?" Celia screamed. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. "That wind doesn't sound light to me. I can hear a creeking sound, I swear I am not crazy. And- and I also hear the sound of something breaking and I can feel shaking as if something's going to fall."
     "Oh come on Celia," Monroe said, "you're just paranoid, nothing is going to happen. This tree is very sturdy."
     "I just don't feel safe," Celia snapped, "I mean something bad, something horrible is going to happen. I know it, I can feel it. Just trust me on this." Kennedy rolled her eyes and shot a signal to Monroe. Monroe then sighed and woke up Raelyn. Raelyn slowly woke up. "What do you want guys?" She said.
     "I don't feel safe up here Raelyn, I just know something terrible is going to happen."
     "Nothing bad is going to happen," Raelyn replied, "my dad built this treehouse with a few of his friends, and they build houses for a living."
     "Still," Celia said, "I can feel something bad is going to happen any minute now, and I don't want to die, and I'm pretty sure none of you guys want to either."
     "We can sleep at  my house tonight, my dad won't mind." Peyton said.
     "Yes, that would be perfect, thank you Peyton!" Celia said.
      "Oh shut the fuck up!" Kennedy said, "your just a wuss Celia, your a paranoid little bitch that whines all the time just so you can get your way. Nothing bad is going to happen, you just want us to have no fun."
     "Shut up Kennedy!" Peyton screamed, "stop being a bitch you act as though your rich parents don't spoil you rotten and hand you everything on a silver platter."
     "Nobody asked for your opinion Peyton!" Kennedy shrieked back. "If you guys are gonna have an attitude and be the cry babies that you are, then leave this sleepover mother fuckers." She took their bags and chucked them out the window.
     "What the fuck was that for Kennedy?" Peyton angrily yelled.
     "If you and miss crybaby want to ruin the sleepover then leave! We don't want your bitch energy anyways!" Kennedy hissed. Monroe and Raelyn stepped back, while Peyton grabbed Celia's hand as they stormed out without saying a word.
     "Bye mother fuckers!" Peyton said, as her and Celia flipped them off.

     Moments after, disaster struck as the treehouse collapsed. It all happened so quickly. The treehouse started slowly tilting, and nobody noticed until it was too late. Raelyn, Monroe, and Kennedy died, never to be seen again. In their last moments, they all hugged each other because they were scared, and as much as they wished they went with Peyton and Celia, tragedy happened with them too as they suddenly saw a mysterious shadowy figure as they walked to Peytons. They started running, and as soon as they started banging on the door to be let inside, they died a bloody death as they were stabbed countless times, and it all happened so fast. When Peyton's dad opened the door, it was too late. He watched in horror as he saw the two dead bodies on the front steps. Moments later he was arrested for the murder of the two girls.

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