17.2 - A father's choice (Wings! AU)

Start from the beginning

His smile returned, but it looked less genuine this time. Izuku shuddered. "Ah, right. I do owe you some explanations, don't I?" Hisashi hummed, his wings folding back into their earlier position as he leaned back. "Very well then. Let me tell you about the story of a little fledgling, who was dearly loved by his parents. His parents, who would've done anything to keep him safe from the horrors of the world, protected in his nest". He started slowly, tilting his marred face away.

The teen just listened in silence, crossing his legs under the blankets to get more comfortable. "The little fledgling was a small, wondrous thing. Easy to impress and invested in the heroes of society, against his parent's hopes. He wanted to be just like those heroes, wishing to save others with a smile on his face. But after his fourth birthday, it all came crashing down because he didn't develop a power like all the other kids, which made society deem him as worthless".

Grimacing at his own words, the supervillain let go of his son's hand and massaged his temples instead before returning to telling the story. "His parents were relieved, not having wanted their hatchling to even try and be a hero in the first place. But his sadness and hopelessness made them reconsider their opinions, as it was breaking them to see him destroyed like that". He sighed deeply, turning back in Izuku's direction.

"Sadly, before they could come up with a solid plan to cheer him back up again and help him on his path to becoming something better than a hero, a top-tier analyst, the father had an emergency at work and had to leave unexpectedly, leaving his beloved nestling alone with his mother. On that work trip, he got gravely injured and almost died, not being able to return to his family for years, having to watch them from afar...". The frown returned to his features.

"And before the father could intervene, he felt the familiar and yet so dreaded pull of his little brother's power being passed on once more. And to his horror, it had reached his child. The one thing he fought so hard to protect...". Hisashi reached out, his hand brushing through Izuku's unruly hair and playing with his curls while Izuku held still, not daring to move a muscle. "Had it not been for his... my injuries, then I would've been there and stopped that blonde oaf from burdening you with this power". 

The supervillain gritted out angrily, his wings raising to show his frustration as Izuku's own tightened up. After a few more seconds of tense silence, All For One loosened his posture, letting his wings sink back onto the nest again. "But what's done is done. You fell right back into my grasp and now you're safe here, little Izuku. I promised you that I would protect you until the very end... And now that you're finally home, there is nothing that will keep me from looking after you. Even if I have to restrain you or immobilize your wings to do so". 

Izuku stifled in surprise, harshly flinching away from the villain sitting next to him with a frightened expression. But Hisashi just observed him in silence, keeping a firm grip on his son's shoulder. "Please don't fight it, my treasured nestling. I only want what's best for you. And I'll even let you keep the power if it comforts you. I know my little brother loves to look over you and I don't want him or the others to scream bloody murder if I try to extract him...". The man explained, letting go of the frightened teen's shoulder and lifting himself off of the edge of the nest with little difficulty.

A spark of One for All bloomed in his chest, helping Izuku stay focused and letting him know that it was still there. He grasped that feeling, squeezing it tightly as he watched All For One pace through the room, away from the nest. "You're horrible, Dad". Izuku hissed out, only to freeze up in terror at the words that slipped from him. The supervillain stood deathly still, his wings twitching ever so slightly, but he didn't turn around.

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