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FOUR years later

"get your cute little butt butt back here before I eat all your cookies"

Her giggles filled our empty home she gasp behind me.

"precious terryanne Lopez"

I spun on my heels her adorable golden curls bounce on her shoulders.

"Oh you best know it"

I narrow my eyes playfully taking small steps looking at her dress she put on back to front.

"Ima dunk a cookie in a glass of milk"

I take one step her sky blue eyes gleam with mischief.

"and take a big bite"

Her eyes widen I take another step.

"and swallow the whole cookie"

Her bottom lip quivers I was two metres away from her.

"and I'm a going to enjoy it"

Before I could catch her cruz waltz in from the garage door holding two boxes of cookies and pastries.

Precious dashes to cruz being a taddle tail cruz scoops her up and sits her on his hip giving her his attention with a few side glances of a mirth smirk at me.

I rub my swollen tummy and waddle to the chair I can sit down and get up easily.

"papa look at me not mah mah"

Cruz chuckles as he walks to me kisses my head placing the boxes on the counter and sits precious on her stool.

"Mi amor you need to rest go lay down"

His eyes dart to my swallen tummy and cankles I wave him off craving for something sweet and sticky.

"stop looking at me like that or you'll forever be pregnant"

I snap my eyes up at cruz with a groan. His eyes darken the corner of his lip twitches I roll my eyes and get up with the assistant of the arm rests taking a few steps and grab the box of pastries and head to our room.

"Oh mah mah naughty she took the whole box"

I want to take her box but her fingers has touch all the cookies and donuts. Cruz chuckles my body shivers as I waddle away.

Ma came to pick precious up for the weekend our parents has been enjoying taking precious for us. They spoil her and I growl them dario snagged a really good women with the assistance of pushing precious in the pram. I shake my head remembering that I helped in that department.

I step into the shower and stand under the cool warm water listening to the classical music I have been enjoy listening too.

I place my head under the water to wash my hair and felt his hands graze up my thighs stops at my behind he cups my bottom cheeks with his hands and rubs in circular motions I try to continue with my hair his hands go around my hips one goes down between my thighs and the other over my bump with a gentle rub I felt his scorching hot chest pressed up to my back.

"I like how I can please you and you can't resist"

He grabs with a pull my very swollen breast that leaks sometimes he loves watching the milk come out. My body replies to his touches it encourages him for more.

His fingers slides between my thighs easily with the water I drop my head back on to his chest with my eyes closed I gasp feeling his quick motion and the way he sways us together.

"I want to ravish you mi amor"

He has been everyday when he begged for me to stop taking birth control it was a constant battle.

The relationship with levi went smooth like all do in the beginning I had my guard up for eight months the long distant was killing him so I told him end the relationship I have a life here so he came over and worked he wanted to know my whereabouts and who I was with he changed my routine to match his.

His odd behaviours were very quickly identified and is exactly how Jess treated levi he was doing to me, he watched what I ate what I wear even at my job.

It took six months with assistance from lex, leni, dario and a very angry cruz to get levi to leave and go back to the states.

It was too late to help him he wouldn't get professional help.

I felt his teeth graze up the crook of my neck my body was on fire with his torture of pleasure.

"mmmm I like when you come whimpering for more"

He removes his hand from between my thighs holds me steady I felt his body shift I lean forward looking over my shoulder his cock disappears between my cheeks my eyes roll back with his hot tip of his cock enters with a slow sinister everlasting stroke his face is in pure bliss head back his mouth open the shower water hitting his delicious chest that a covered in bite marks that a few have turned into purple markings.

His sinful moan and groan mixed together engulfs my every being to mould with him. I come with his powerful thrusts that keeps me coming.

We ended the weekend with a nice quiet dinner with our parents, dario his girlfriend amber and little miss cheeky.

Two years ago her grandfather passed away from natural causes then his wife she never woke up a week later.

Shaun had called asking if Cruz would take precious when their mama passed away.

Shaun and Justine were appreciative with cruz devotion towards precious as years went by they couldn't emotionally and financially take care of her with their children they knew cruz was her guardian he dropped everything to be her forever home.

"papa no mah-mah"

I heard her voice pulling me from my thoughts I look at her looking at her papa staring at my very large tits I wink at him with a smirk gracing my face busting him undressing me with his eyes.

I tried to explain I'm Marcy not mama she has a mama who we forever will remind precious but she's to young and head strong her little foot stomps of declarations that I'm mah mah I let it go she has become my little miss cheeky and has grown on me she loves to pull out my roller blades or wake board she's so devious with knowing what will melt my heart I love her to bits but I'm more firm then cruz if he had her twenty four seven she be an ungrateful spoilt demon child and turn into a adult brat with her hands out not today or ever.

I felt a slight pain as I cut into my vegies my knife scratches along the plate making ear piercing squeak as another sharper pain shoots through my tummy cruz stands up suddenly everyone quietens my eyes close my hands squeeze the cutlery I hold my breath dropping my head to my chest.

"is it time mi amor?"

His voice was gruff filled with concern, he was right beside me rubbing my back I could feel his eyes on me, my small pants of breathing I heard hurried steps and panicked voices. The cutlery was removed from my grip the chair pulled out from the table my eyes sprung open.

"my love do you need me to carry you?"

I shook my head I weigh heavier then I have ever in my life to embarrassed I collect myself and stood up slowly another sharp pain shoots across my tummy to my back I groan reaching out to cruz arms he holds me firmly.

" Please my love let me-"

I slowly looked down eyes wide open mortified I snap my eyes to his.

"I-I'm sorry"

My eyes well up these dam hormones wreck me I've become emotional, horny, hungry for food I never liked, things I would normally don't do I was doing like now apologising for something so natural.

"shhh shhh it's ok we're ok you'll be ok"

We made it to a vehicle but I demanded a towel I could feel pressure, the baby's head as we speed down the highway.

We made it and twelve hours later our son was born.

"welcome Xavier Dario lopez"

The end

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