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Jay took his very happy giggling wifey to bed she was eating all the snacks and talking gibberish. Literally.

Lex and leni recorded jojo and couldn't stop laughing at their parents. It was good to see them still close.

Four joints smoked, one empty vodka bottle and a empty bourbon bottle siting on the table I was in a happy place with my people.

Lexi had it covered he had a friend to buy us more alcohol. I tried to pay the guy but lex already did the friend name Junior joined us I just finish rolling more j's.

I hate when you need to go toilet when your drinking once you break the seal your going to the toilet every so so.

Then I heard my song I turned it up from my phone grabbed the lighter and lit the joint in my mouth and stood to dance in my spot not caring.

I lip sync along with my eyes closed smoking the joint feeling the song I snap my hips back and forth with my hands gestures with the lyrics.

When libianca sang "people" I open my eyes and point to three no four sets of eyes staring at me with their murky red stone eyes.

I closed my eyes and just took in moment.

"oooh holy father"

I raised my hands up to my papa in the heaven's.

I had no care I just dance on the spot when the song finished I open my eyes and the boys clapped their hands like full blown applause I bow thanking them and bow again and sat my ass down.

"now I'd give up clubbing to do this anytime" Junior snickers drinking his drink.

"Oh baby boy" he quirks a bushy pierced brow "you'll need to up your game if you call that flirting"

The brothers shook their heads with a grin.

I noticed levi cut his hair and shaved his beard he looks younger and free.

"look here little miss tutty fruity"

I toot toot with a hand action making the brothers laugh louder and Junior gave up.

"Junior she's the girl I told you about"

His eyes widen for a second with a devilish grin he leans forward over his seat.

"so your mischief huh?"

"yup" I popped the p "on that note the ladies room calling me"

I walked inside to the bathroom and looked around there's four men living under one roof there should be -Bingo.

I grabbed all three cans and walked out front to find the odd vehicle - juniors jeep.

I sprayed shaving cream on all windows and the bonnet and boot I washed my hands at the tap out front walked inside to the kitchen looking for cling wrap without being spotted from the boys I ran out front and cling wrap over the roof down pass the drivers door under the jeep up over the front passenger door I repeated till the cream ooze between the cling wrap and around around the jeep windows giggling. I have to remember to buy jojo a big roll of cling wrap from costco.

I threw the roll in the trash and went out back to join the boys they look up looking guilty I narrow my eyes I scanned my seat - nothing, I looked at my empty glass - nothing then my eyes widen where's the joints?

I walked to my seat and sat down.

"you's have to the count of three to fess up the j's"

Leni glances at levi who glances at lex he squirms in his seat they look nervous but Junior the big kiwi guy with a smug look on his face.

I nod made me a drink and took a long sip with a squeak and sucking noise I stood up their bloodshot eyes gaze with a small smile watched me walk around the table like playing duck duck goose I stopped at Junior lean over to his pierced ear tempted to bite but he flinched away to look at me.

"what happens when boys misbehave?"

He shrugs with no care I pat his shoulder he shifts in his seat as if I scared the big baboon I walked back to my seat collected my phone and drank my drink.

"um where do you think your going?"

I look down at lex.

"to go source out more weed"

Lex slaps Junior in the chest motioning with his hand 'hand it over' Junior reluctantly hands lex the goods but I spun on my heels and walked inside.

I walked to the fridge and if you know someone that has OCD in fridge organization Jojo is the the queen B in organization in everything in her home I think it rubbed onto me.

There was only food to cook but I was hangry by the time I closed the fridge door with levi arms crossed over his chess leaning on the counter with a goofy smile.

"you always seem to pop out when I'm in a fridge"

He drops his arms placing his hands in his front pockets.

"you know mom cooks so if you want to eat we boys usually go grab something to eat but because you got us drunk and high we are going to order in"

"pssh posh I can drive I'm to hangry to wait"

"lucky for you when you went to the toilet I ordered us some food do you still like bbq ribs?"

I subconsciously licked my lips his eyes drop to my mouth. I nod.

"uh huh"

His eyes flick up to mine.

"Good it will be in a minute but since I got you here wona tell me about why you care about Jessica and the twins so much?" I didn't like his tone I just shooed it of he's drunk and high.

"vinny called me and I've known him for years as you know through golf he asked to find the baby daddy and I did but not before I did a background check did I reach out to adrian then flew here he did the test came up positive met vin and bex then I left them at the hospital with my best wishes"

The door bell rang levi went to step forward but I pushed and ran to the front door and snatched four bags and slammed the door shut almost hitting into levi.

"brah wide load man"

I stepped around levi laughing like a hyena I placed the bags on the table and saw my name written on a foiled tray.

I grabbed it with a hangry smile.

"thank you leviiiiiii"

We ate like wild hogs loud and messy but I didn't care mission completed I was on holidays and fed what else could I need.

By the time we cleaned our mess up outside and in the dining it was two in the morning the boys and I went to watch a movie once I sat in the comfy recliner I dozed off.

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