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I pace back and forth with my mobile in my hand and three missed calls from ma there's a knock at my door the person jiggles the handle.

"pssst el mocoso open up" Cruz whispers I quickly do pulling him into my room locking the door behind him.

"what's wrong?" his voice edge with concern.

"I don't know anxious that jojo and Jay would be disappointed in me and the boys"

I walk to the window and lean up against the frame.

"from what Ive been listening to is how much they love and miss you el mocoso so get downstairs and show them your phenomenal"

I turn around and Cruz is holding a gentle smile I nod and we walk downstairs as their voices gets louder my heart beats faster.

"she's taking forever" I'm sure thats leni the youngest but how much his voice has changed.

"hush up leni she's a very busy women working for a security company and all" jojo defends me.

"what making sure drunks don't smash up the pub?"

As he finished his sentence I walk in and all eyes land on me and cruz. Jojo stands up and we meet in the middle of the kitchen, she was much taller the last time I saw her but I'm a head taller her eyes glide up and down my body I'm wearing a basketball Jersey and shorts the sweet smile and the watery eyes captures my heart.

"Don't cry jojo please don't cry"

I hug her and with all my might closing my eyes remembering her sweet rose perfume she wears all the time her hair smells like peaches she sniffles.

I open my eyes and glare at leni who looks nervous. I pull away from jojo and grab a tissue from the counter and hand it to her she wipes her nose and cups my face.

"How you have grown my cheeky mischief, you have boobs" she exclaims loudly I chuckle shaking my head.

"yeah the guys like em" I shrug.

"Marcia angel Lopez" ma glares at my crudeness.

I whisper to jojo.

"I'm still the same just aged gracefully"

She blanched a laugh and we walk arm in arm to the table where lex the eldest son dirty blonde hair brown eyes medium built leni looks the same but has always had dimples I walk to ma and peck her forehead and apologise.

"Well since my job being a pub cleaner you should join me one day leni?"

He looks around ma and Cruz smirks at leni.

"thanks but we're here for a holiday not to work"

"Who said anything about working"

The women would love to see a fresh American to feast their eyes on I smirk to myself.

Pops walks in, ma introduces him to everyone he pecks my forehead and sits down.

"apologies for my lateness I had a matter to deal with"

I raise a brow he shakes his head I pout he chuckles.

"Cariño no need for your assistance dario's on it"

I nod and offer any refills as everyone talks beside cruz he left before pops came in.

I prep dinner and start cooking steak, baked potato and salad as us kids leave the adults to talk like old time.

Lex caught me up with his life and job being a sports physio and enjoys going to all the top games and getting paid.

Leni works at a power company and almost proposed to his girlfriend but he froze like a boofhead he is.

Jay and levi haven't arrived and I wanted to ask where they were but my heart held me back to be quiet and I do.

Once I dish dinner I ask jojo is I should plate Jay and levi a plate.

"I'll send a text to see if their meeting has finished"

I nod and call for Cruz an D to join us to eat, D nods at lex and leni, Cruz grabs his plate and sits with the adults while D sparks up a convo with the brothers.

"they will be late they will eat at the hotel"

I nod and carry on eating as one by one finish their meals they say their goodbyes and I pack the washer and head to bed.

I recieved a text while I was in the shower it was from him saying he's sorry he couldn't make dinner that he was at a work meeting and would like to catch up on the weekend.

I don't reply but go to sleep.

Next day

Work was chaotic there was a breach with a company it took three IT and myself a few hours to solve the situation and figure what the asshole was trying to collect but to quick thinking we had set up fake numbers and folders we follow the trail.

BOOYAH.... we followed the bread crumbs and collected the Intel and sent it to the collection team.

I walk out of the IT room there's only a few people on this level as it's past 6pm I head home as I do ma ring tones comes through the blaring sounds.

"hey ma you okay?"

"yes Marcy just wondering how would you feel if we went out for dinner?"

"ma I had a long day and my brain is fried I'm not up for dressing up going out and be all fake"

"Oh honey that's fine but if you wona talk I'll cancel the dinner with Jo and Jay to stay home with you"

"Don't be silly go have a great night wear that peach dress with the nude heels you look stunning in that dress"

"you always know how to turn the situation around don't you"

"Please send my apologies"

She says her goodbyes and hangs up I'm caught in traffic. I get home an hour later shower and change into a black sports bra a stussy hoodie and matching trackies I walk downstairs to the theater room as I approach I hear a needy moan my brow raises then suddenly a muffled scream followed with a pleased grunt I roll on the balls of my heels and head to the gym feeling disgusted thought of I sit on those recliners and now I will have to call a Disinfectant team to clean every fabric, I shiver thinking what other surface needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

I switch on the surround system and blast '2 step' and allow it to take over my body as memories flow when I did Hip Hop classes the fierce stomp of my feet hit the floor my hands snap to the beat to the side rolling my wrist to emphasise flick of my fingers my back arches to emphasise my moves collectively I look in the mirror and clap my hands in the air over my head hearing "2 step" I whip my right arm from my hoodie half of my body covered by the hoodie. I feel my track pants loosely sway and snap as I step with force and sway my hips.

Six songs later I lay on the mats trying to catch my breath as another song plays I get up feeling good surprisingly I walk to the system and turn the sounds down and switch off I grab my phone and walk out switching the lights off.

I groan as I trench up the steps and realise I need to shower again.

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