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Marcia Pov

Last night I told everyone I will only reply to Jay, Jo and the boys from here on in if it's important contact them it was taking up my time.

The uncle Scott wasn't impressed but the glare Jay gave his older brother was impressive to shut up anyone.

Its just before dawn its cold and windy but I trek out to the shore with a blanket Jo gave me I sat on the empty beach just me and mother nature the melody of the water as it graces the sand as its best friend to the birds waking up memories of when I'd bike it here when pa passed away I would come here and think papa is waking up I should be there to wish him good Morning it became a daily ritual and levi caught wind and would come with me we would sit here till the warm pink yellow colours would send a soft glow over the water brighter and brighter as the sunrises.

I could hear dogs and whistles from their owners I pay no attention just sat there taking in what I left behind what I have forgotten what I took for granted the simplicity in life. Family.

I pull out my phone and took a few photos and a video sent it to mama with a simple message.

I stayed for a few hours till my bum went numb I stood up brushing the sand from my pants grabbing my shoes and phone from the sand the breeze picks up and my hair wildly wips me in the face I Ninja swing my arms around my face with my phone flying somewhere my shoes filled with sand dumped all over me with the blanket on the sand I huffed with a stomp of my right foot in the sand like its going to hurt the beach I stomped my foot to snatch my phone and blanket tempting to flick the sand off the blanket but knowing my morning luck I'd wip myself. I shake my head giggling at myself to the truck I stood behind it and wiped the sand off me and head to the house and do some door knocking.

There were twenty two homes I was going to visit, I've knocked on ten and two of the elderly remembered me and oh were the stories good I totally forgot for a moment my trickster days.

I decorated Mr and Mrs Dunn front lawn on Christmas eve with fake bloody skeletons, clowns, graveyard tombs, witches and fake bloody dripping up her foot path to her front steps all thanks from pa and his mates. Their grand kids were mortified on Christmas morning they said their kids thought it was funny.

The couple would go to bed at eight at night and the street was always peaceful and everyone trusted each other but every year I had to express my artist abilities.

Mr Lopt he hated Christmas he was the grinch in the street I had covered his precious green lawn with green glitter it took him and his poor neighbours months to get rid of the glitter from inside their homes, cars, hair and it sometimes made it in their food.

Ma's friend at work husband worked as a deliver driver he knew about my tricks. I was the happiest girl in the world when ma had a boot full of bags filled with glitter.

The sun was setting and I was loosing hours the two homes were one each side of the house where there were no lights on two in a half hours people say that no one enters from the front but there has been activity upstairs where my old room is they see the light on for a brief moment each month since february. I had thanked everyone for their time and drove to a local dine in.

After parking the truck watching happy couples holding hands down the township there were a group of friends walking and talking, seniors taking a evening stroll the same foot path ma and pa would walk down with me as a child with levi we finish eating and walk off our dinner as papa would tell us but really it was the ice cream and two hyper kids he was wanting to tire out.

I exhale and jumped out of the truck and walked into the the familiar diner.

I ordered and paid before I sat in the corner I pulled out my phone and went through a few emails before someone sat beside me I looked up shocked written on my face.

"before you speak I want to apologise"

The pit of my stomach was simmering of emotions hearing his voice, his smell of his cologne was confusing my senses he sat there with his hands on the table clasp together he looked like a mess from what I could see from a side glance.

"I didn't mean to upset you there was a mixture of feelings I really didn't mean to frightened or accuse you for"

I lost my appetite.

The waitress placed my dish on the table looking between us I thanked her and asked if she could pack it for me she smiles with concern but takes the dish away. I stare into nothing.

"after for so long of no contact with you I just became depressed you could say" he sighs heavily "what I'm saying is I over reacted I forgot to talk things through for a split second I allowed my anger to consume me"

We sat there till the lady came back and placed the bag in front of us I collected my things and stood up I looked down at him as he stood up beside me.

"you need help"

Is all I could say as I left I aint want to be around men that get angry in a flick of a switch and or are possessive alpha-holes.

I quickly walked out with him hot on my tail.

"Mac wait please"

I stop a few cars away from my truck.

"Please mac don't let this one incident ruin what we had yes I do see someone about my ptsd and I'm truly sorry for that night please forgive me"

"Forgiven now forget me"

I walked off passed my truck and down the side walk into a convenient store to watch him leave, he paces the car park with his hands on his head kicking dirt around till he reaches for his pocket and gets into his vehical and drives away I exhale and wait a beat till I drive to the hotel to shower and sleep today was an emotional day.

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