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Last week was late nights at work and me ending up working out in the gym to release the pent up energy and my overwhelmed brain.

Tonight is Friday I'm going out with a few girls from the IT department that I've been working with recently they wanted to go to the club cruz took me too so I called Thomas his friend and he hooked us up with VIP and promised Cruz and D won't know a thing.

We showed up and the club was pumping and guys looking thirsty to get their dicks wet I walk up the stairs swaying my hips to mase playing through the sprakers I look up and there's a table roped off for us ten girls, four from work the rest are their best friends or cousins. I already had paid for to buckets of vodka and Malibu and shots of tequila on arrival as we sit the waiter comes and places our drunk on the table I tip her and she winks at me with a flirtatious smile.

"daym girl I didn't know you swing both ways"

Deb nudges me as she grabs a shot for everyone. I shrug enjoying the rnb songs.

"I like all flavours"

Her cousin raises a brow and cheers me we knock our shots back and get lit with the bass pumping, girls grinding on each other a few go downstairs to dance I stay seated watching over them on the floor.

"excuse me?"

I look over my shoulder as I'm bending over the railing I stand up taller I'm just under 6ft in heels. I stare at the pretty red head.


She looked nervous but she had determination in her eyes behind her cute glasses.

"I lost a bet and my guy friends dared me to ask you for a dance you don't have too-"

Before she could finish I grab her hand walked to our table grabbed two shot glasses hand her one I click her shot we knock them back her cheeks blush and I drag her down the stairs hearing her friends holla and whistle behind us.

I pull her closer seeing guys eyeing us.

" what's your name?" I ask her leaning closer to her.

"Kimberly and yours?"

"Marcia nice to meet you spitfire"

She smiles I grab her hand and spin her around so her back is on me I make her look up and see her guy friends staring at us with their Jaws on the ground,  I place my hand on her back making her bend down and snap up she giggles and spins around placing her arms around my neck.

"Your good at this I was so nervous to ask you"

I wink at her after a few songs we head upstairs and I walk her to her friends.

"spitfire hand me your phone"

She looks for her handbag and pulls out her phone she punches in her password and hands it to me I type in my digits take a photo of me press saved I hand it back.

"call me when you feel the need to loose another bet"

Her girlfriends looked annoyed while the guys were patting her on the back I walk to our area and there's D leaning on the wall I walk up to him peck his cheek and glare at him he raises his hands up to his chest.

"ma and pa sent me to find you and tell you that they are disappointed that you forgot we had plans for dinner with the Stephenson's"

I shrug and walked to the table grabbed the Malibu bottle and made me a drink, D comes up from behind as I stand up straighter.

"I'd bend you over my knee and spank you till you can't walk to remember never disappoint our parents again"

I go to step away but his hands wrap around my waist leading to the Dark corner where I see a door her places his finger on the scanner it opens and it's a light up office.

I spun around as he locks the door behind him he stalks towards me I don't move his grin widens. His eyes trail down my body.

"D stop playing let me out"

"what do I get for not telling pa that I couldn't find you?"

He walks around me, taunting me.

"Don't lie tell him the truth honesty is the best policy"

He nods in agreement.

"good girl but I drove all around tracing your phone that lead me to three night clubs and then I found you here that was a three hour hunt"

"not my problem"

He grabs me softly around the throat pushing me backwards I hit the desk our eyes scorching each other's.

"you need to behave and to do that be a good girl for ma and pa okay?"

He drops his hand that was around my throat.

"go fuck yourself"

I kick and push him to land on the sofa and let myself out as I open the door abruptly cruz almost fisted my forehead his eyes widen and I was about to jab his throat but he dropped his fist to his side I step around him and walked to the table.

I sigh can tonight get any worse? Well it did when I reached our table a few girls took off not saying a word spitfire almost got into a fight the chick got banned for throwing a drink at spitfire.

I had enough and called a uber twelve minutes later I'm on my way home more drunk then I was after sculling the bottles that were on the table bad combo but I was annoyed I was having a great night till popo D and popo C came and ruin it for me.

The drive home was peaceful because I kept my phone on silent as I stepped out of the uber giving five star on the app I carried my heels through the door and to my room I fall on the bed and allow sleep take over.

I wake up with a foul taste in my mouth I roll off the bed and turn the bathroom light on 'dim' and walk to the shower I smell like alcohol, musk and something disgusting I turn the shower on and step under the water stripping my dress off washing my face and hair I brush my teeth and started to feel better.

I switch the shower off grab a towel and dry myself and wrap it around my hair I grab another and wrap it around my body I walk out into my room where there's a lamp on next to the single sofa where popo C glaring at me holding a glass of his poison I walk into my closet and change drying my hair and walk to cruz.

I sat beside him and wait.

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