During the Events Pt 2.

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It has been a month after the discovery of this power and what it could do. As time went on Dabi and Compress would go out and kidnap those who had strong quirks and would bring them to Shigaraki.

What did they do the corpses? Dabi would use his quirk to turn them to ash.

But the strangest thing was that as time went on Shigarakis body has gone through a sudden change of sorts. His body has slowly become more define and muscular though not enough to notice too much of a difference.

Apparently he could take the life force of others and add it to his own strength. Along with taking their quirk. Though now he knows how he got this power....

A week ago....

Shigaraki was asleep in his room planning on how to kill Izuku and all of his loved ones until he was pulled into his mindscape.

He looked around only to see he was in a dense foggy forest of sorts.

Shigaraki: Where am I?

???: You are in your mindscape boy.

He swung his head over to see a hooded man of sorts

Shigaraki wasn't one to show fear but he felt the aura that this stranger was giving off

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Shigaraki wasn't one to show fear but he felt the aura that this stranger was giving off. And he could tell that he wasn't a pushover whatsoever.

Shigaraki: Who are you?

Chishare: Oh, how rude of me, my name is Chishare, I am a Death God.

Shigaraki was wide eyed in pure shock. He was literally talking to a god.

Chishare: And it seems that my powers have been passed down to you. Strange....

Shigaraki: Wait, this is your power?

Chishare: Yes, it's what made me and my kind so dangerous, the power to steal the life and strength of others.

Shigaraki: There were more of you?

Chishare: Oh yes, thousands upon thousands of my kind. We were first created by the gods for the sole purpose of eradicating life. Though we discovered that with each world we eradicated we got stronger, the same would effect the gods we killed.

Shigaraki: But what happened?

Chishare: The Gods discovered how much of a threat we were to all manner of life itself. Then we engaged in a war so great and deadly. That it would make the war of Heaven and Hell look like a childish argument. But....

Shigaraki: But what?

Chishare: The Gods knowing that they were going to lose to us created a race of beings that were our opposites. The Angelic Ones.

Shigaraki: The Angelic Ones?

Chishare: A special race of gods whose sole purpose was to eradicate me and my kind. Though during our fights with them it led to the extinction of both of our races. Though I am the last of my kind my spirit lived and traveled until it found its way here.

Izuku Yagi: Tyrant of the Seas Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now