The Next Angelic God

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Komori: God!?

Nathaniel: It is alot of information to take in I know. But you must listen to me. There is another God in this world besides the one you know.

Komori: Wait, another God?

Nathaniel: Yes, he is the Death God. My complete opposite. Though the problem is that his strength is growing to a point where not even I could stop him.

Komori: But what does this have to do with me?

Nathaniel: Right now you must warn Izuku about this threat. And have every hero in Japan prepare for a war.

Komori: War!?

Nathaniel: As I said it's a lot to take in I know. But you must listen. I wish for you to have my powers and help save this world from this growing darkness.

Komori: Ok, what do I need to do?

Nathaniel: Just take my hand. And my powers and will be transfered over to you.
He said with his hand extended.

Komori: Is there a way to use it?

Nathaniel: Don't worry when your training begins I will help train you to use my powers.

Komori: Alright, I'll accept.
She said as she took his hand and a bright yellow light traveled from Nathaniels arm and into Komoris body.

Nathaniel: We'll meet again. Good luck.

He said as Komori began to wake up and made her way to the living room to see Eri who was watching the fight on TV. Though it showed Izuku killing Stars and Stripes it's honestly quite surprising how numb she is to seeing stuff like that.

Komori: Hey Eri, do you wanna go see Papa?

Eri: Yeah! I wanna congratulate him on his fight. When I get older I wanna be as strong as Papa. But also be as kind as you Mama.

Komori: Aww, that's very sweet of you to say Eri. But let's get going.

She said as she got her shoes on and she and Eri made their way to the Stadium. Thet looked to see Izuku walking out with a bandage going across his chest.

He smiled as he saw them, Eri hugged her papa as he returned the gesture.

Komori: Hey Izuku, could I talk to you in private when we get back?

Izuku confused a bit by this sudden request accepted but for some reason he felt something strange from Komori.

When the group got back Eri took Aria to her room while Izuku and Komori stayed behind so they could talk.

Izuku: So Komori, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?

Komori: Uhhh, try not to freak out about it alright?

She began to explain how she recently came into contact with another God of sorts. Who was telling her about a great darkness which was another God who was going to destroy the world.

Izuku looked at her as if she was messing around at first. But thanks to his past, he could tell when someone was serious about something.

But to make sure.....

Izuku focused his mind for a minute only to sense the godly aura that surrounded her body. Which confirmed that she was telling the truth about the God part. But everything else he was feeling a bit skeptical of, but will keep it in his mind.

Izuku: Hmmm, do you know what this threat is?

Komori: From what I know it was called a "Death God".

Then Izuku's calm face turned into one of pure shock and fear.

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