Ultimate Moves + Start of License Exam

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Classes have now finally started up again. And the class was lively as ever, few minutes later Aizawa came in and told them to get their hero outfits and to go to training room gamma.

(A/N: Quick thing to say, Izuku's hero outfit is basically the one from his fight with All For One.)

The class followed him only to head to an area with a mountain like hill.

They were curious about it until they were explained about how they were going to be doing Ultimate Moves. Aizawa explained that they were going to learn them as they were supposed to get their provisional license from the Training Camp. But due to the attack on the camp it was canceled.

Now their going to be taking a Provisional License Exam that is coming up soon. So their job right now was to create an Ultimate Move before that.

After several minutes the entire gym room was filled with all sorts of loud noises ranging from explosion to lazer blasts.

Right now we see Izuku who was just standing trying to come up with something since all of his attacks and techniques were considered Ultimate Moves. But he then thought about his other brother Hades techniques and decided to combine one of his techniques with that.

He got into a stance and thrusted his trident forward several times and stopped as the wind force carried the attack towards the target and punched a hole clean through the stone rock. And kept going until there was nothing left.

With this he has created a new technique with the combination of his and his brothers techniques. This technique would be called "(Range version) Persephone Roa Amphitrite".

Those who saw it were shocked by how fast he made his Ultimate Move. And it was deadly as well.

Aizawa who saw it sighed.

Aizawa: Great, now he has ranged based attacks. Just when I thought he couldn't get that creative with his attacks.

He saw Izuku walk from completing his task and walk away with Eri to keep up with her Hydrokinesis training.

He heard the door open and looked over to see that it was Toshinori who had a cast around his arm, bandages on his face, walking with a cane. And Inko who was there to catch him in case he were to fall.

Aizawa: Aren't you supposed to be resting?

Toshinori: Well I heard how that you were going to be helping them with their Ultimate Moves, so we figured that we could come by and give some support. How is Izuku doing?

He said mostly to find a way to get closer to his son. Maybe to make a bit of a bond to help him make an Ultimate Move. Though their hopes were destroyed when Aizawa said...

Aizawa: He's already finished with his Ultimate Move. Apparently it's a range based attack that could kill if your not careful.

They were shocked that he already created an Ultimate Move so quick. Then they see him teaching Eri how to move water around. Which she was fascinated by it.

They watched with hurt eyes. And decided to help out the other students especially Izumi who created her own Chute Style thanks to Lida.

It was currently the day of the License Exam he brought Eri with him so she could watch from the sidelines with Aizawa. They were on a bus heading towards the Exam Area.

After an hour of riding the bus later they made it to the enterance where they come across a class from another school. One of them walked up to Izuku.

???: Wow, your the guy who defeated that All For One dude?

Izuku Yagi: Tyrant of the Seas Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now