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Well , Hotch got out just fine , unless you wanna count the 10 marks on his chest and arms and legs , each. Michaela made sure to let him live .

" Was it Mick ? " ; Rossi asked .

Aaron didn't reply , just stared at the picture of him holding baby Michaela in his lap on his phone . He was in shock and the guilt was eating at him. It was too late to bring her back and he didn't have the heart to treat her like an unsub .

Rossi got his answer .

" Did she tell you why she is doing this ? " ; Spencer asked .

" Why do you think Spencer ? Because we refused to help her when she needed it the most , because I was a horrible father to her.  I deserved this ! " ; Hotch snapped .

" We should get both Haley and Jack in Witness Protection " ; JJ suggested .

Hotch nodded .

Rossi got out his Iphone as he dialled a number he hadn't called in over 4 years .
He then put it on speaker .

" Hey papapasta ! " ; Michaela's cheerful voice came through .

" Hey Piccola " ; Rossi greeted her .

" To what do I owe this pleasure?  "

" I had a question for you if you don't mind "

" Why I just half murdered your best friend?  You know the answer . I told you everything.  You tell them now and I know its on speaker so I am going to say only one thing.  I will strike again tomorrow . None of you can hide from me , I know everything , every dark secret , every address , every plan of yours . Time's ticking for all of you except for you Rossi and Emily . Tick tok , tick tok " ; she said as she hung up .

" What did she mean by you know the answer ? " ; Derek asked Rossi .

" The blood on her walls , the ransacked room ? That was a play . A scare tactic . She never really was kidnapped by an unsub , she stayed with me for 2 years and just as Gideon retired , she left as well . And she told me everything about what you all did " ; Rossi replied .

" And you kept that hidden ? " ; Hotch asked raising his voice just a bit .

" Hey , you don't get to have a superiority complex right now ? Where were you when she almost died and was sent to the hospital for a punctured lung and broken ribs ? Where were all of you when she came begging for help to each and everyone of you when she was getting bullied so badly , when she was forced to fail classes , when she was getting burned and degraded all her high school life ? I was there ! Everytime.  So when she told me to keep everything a secret , I listened to her . But I never had any idea that she was going to do this . And JJ and Garcia , never expected this from you two " ; Rossi snapped as he left the room angrily .


Haley walked into the hospital room with Jack an hour later . Aaron and Jack both talked for a while and then it was just Haley and Aaron .

" She really is an unsub now ? " ; Haley asked .

" Yes " ; Aaron replied .

" Why don't I talk to her ? Maybe she will listen to me . I hurt her the most "

" Its too late Haley . She is gone "

" There has to be some way that we can get her back "

" I saw her Hails . Her eyes were so cold and emotionless.  She is just a shell of tye person she was . We cannot get her back "


Xavier and Michaela danced outside in the rain in the backyard of Xavier's house .

He had a speaker on the porch which played their favourite songs .

" Why you so obsessed with me ?
So oh oh oh , so oh " ; they both sang .

Michaela let herself go as she enjoyed her time with Xavier because what she was about to do next was going to leave a scar on her next victim .

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