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Present time :-

" Jack , did you notice anything else about Michaela ? " ; Aaron asked his son as they ate dinner .

" Yeah , she had a cut on her cheek . It was healed but there was a scar . I asked her where she got it from and she said that she got it when she was in a battle " ;  Jack replied .

" A battle . Her own battle " ; Aaron thought .

He remembered the cut on her cheek  . His phone rang and he picked it up .

" Hotchner " ; he spoke in his usually stern tone .

" Sir , two more victims were found , this time they were 2 high school teachers , same MO " ; Garcia spoke .

" I am on my way " ; Aaron said hurriedly before calling Haley to stay with jack . 


" Mr.Carey and Mrs. Anfew were killed hours before " ; Garcia said as she showed the pictures on the screen . 

" Aren't they Michaela's teachers ? " ; Rossi asked . 

" Yeah , yeah they were " ; Aaron realized . " In high school " 

" We need to talk to their previous students . Maybe we can find who is behind this " ; JJ suggested . 


The BAU team called in six ex-students who were in the same class as Michaela and also got the same subject teachers . 

Aaron had a gut-feeling so he went in with a specific line of questioning for all the students . 

" As you know , Your teachers are dead , I wanted to ask , How were they as teachers ? " ; Aaron asked Cassie Naya . 

" They both were really good people , they always supported us and encouraged us " ; Cassie said . 

Aaron could tell that she was hiding something . 

" How did they treat Michaela  Hotchner ? " ; Aaron asked .

" Great " ; Cassie lied and Aaron caught onto it . 

" Your lying Cassie . Tell me the truth and I promise we won't press bullying and assault charges " ; Aaron threatened her . 

" Fine . My friends , we bullied her . We burned her and cut her when we got to know that she was a cutter , we made her do our homework so that she herself failed in classes and forgot to do her own homework " ; Cassie confessed . 

" That is not all is it ? " 

" No " 

" What else Cassie ? " 

" The teachers ignored her , refused to help her when we bullied her and we also wrote death threats to her " ; she confessed.

Aaron felt sick , all those tines he though that it was makeup and attention seeking behaviour but it was all the truth .

He abruptly got up and went outside. 

" All of them confessed to the same thing" ; JJ said .

" Press charges against all of them " ; Aaron said before Garcia walked in .

" Sir , I was sent a video by her " ; Garcia said .

Everyone knew what she meant .

" Hola , Greetings , Hello my dear BAU agents . Hi ! I am alive ! And back for favours . If you haven't figured it out yet , I am the one who killed those people . Technically,  they didn't deserve to live , too bad you caught my bullies , I had a really good plan for them but I guess what has happened , has happened , so I have initiated round 2 of my game . It's called Terror .

This is me fighting back and not being a coward and I did not deserve what I went through . I guess Karma is real . Bye bye . Toodles ! " ; Michaela said cheerfully but with an evil smirk on her face as the video ended.

The team was shocked . Michaela had social anxiety  , the way she spoke now is something she wouldn't have done in high school . The shy and timid girl had transformed and transitioned to her dark side .

Another video popped up .

" PS : Garcia , you really need to work on your antivirus software and firewall.  Anyone can hack it , its childs play . I hacked into it , the girl who failed computer , anybody else can ! "

" Track that video , now " ; Aaron said .

Garcia hurriedly typed onto her laptop .

" The video is from Iceland ?  " ; she said .

" She is radiating and bouncing her signals " ; Spencer said .

" We need to do something fast before she devolves " ; Derek said .

" She already has " ; Rossi said .

The whole team weren't even able to predict her next step when she striked again and this time it was much brutal .

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