Chapter 36 - Einar

Start from the beginning

I watched as my phone said he was typing. "That sucks, but I'm sure she just wants to keep you safe and happy. Just remember that. Speaking of moms, mine wants you to come over for dinner one night. She said you can spend the night."

"Ok, I'll ask my mom. Did you have a day in mind?"

"I don't know, maybe Wednesday," he said.

"I'm not sure. We leave here on Monday, but we are stopping at my uncle's house near Detroit for the night."

"Thursday then. Well, I'm going to go to sleep. Have a great time," he said.

"Ok, goodnight."

In the morning, we joined a table with Joey and Simon to eat breakfast. Once done eating, I stupidly followed them all to the second room. It was just the four of us, but entering, it transported me back in time.

I fell back into the wall and the guys reacted and rushed to me. "What's wrong?" Eirik asked.

Tears fell from my cheeks. "It's the same hotel."

"What do you mean?" Eirik asked. I could tell they were all scared and worried, but all I could see is dad standing over me, kicking and punching me as I lay curled up on the floor crying with my teammates equipment under me digging into my back.

"I didn't recognize the other rooms. But this is the same style of room that it happened in. The smells, the beds, it's all the same. This is the same hotel, isn't it?"

I remember the blows, the smells, the feelings that I'm trash to be thrown out by my dad. It was too much. I stumbled into the bathroom to hide. Eirik helped me.

I closed the door, but didn't lock it. Away from the smells, I came back to the present world. I heard voices and then Noah knocked and came in.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"It's the same hotel dad beat me in," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I composed myself and went back out into the room. "It's not your fault. I just wish I could forget."

Noah grabbed the air freshener and sprayed it over the entire room. "There, that should help."

Even with the smell of lavender, I could see myself laying on the ground crying after dad walked out. Everyone's equipment was gone, and I wondered how long I was in the bathroom hiding. The only ones left were Noah, Simon, Joey, and Eirik.

Eirik and Noah looked sympathetic, but Simon and Joey looked like they were feeling sorry for me. I don't want them to think less of me for this. Or to think I'm weak.

"I'm sorry, guys," I said to them in particular.

They both nodded. "It's ok," Simon said.

"Don't apologize," Joey said.

All of us walking down the hall, I said to Eirik, "don't tell mom. I don't want her worrying."

Down in the lobby, we all followed our parents into their cars. At the arena, I found Liz already sitting in the same place as before. She wanted to tell me about her wonderful dream last night. I was in it and it made me feel special to know someone dreamed of me.

I admitted that since I began taking the medications, I've had no vivid dreams. The night terrors haven't been happening, so I guess I can't complain. That led to her asking which medications I take.

"Ok, tell me a secret," she said.

I found I liked this game. I like the idea of sharing things with her and learning things in return. We have only revealed little so far, but that was ok. "I had a flashback earlier."

Memories, Scars and Survival: High School YearsWhere stories live. Discover now