Silver's Proposal

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The Sol Kingdom shares many differences with Arkrenia.

Even though both countries' locations are close, they have so much difference when it comes to the structures of buildings, the law system and places of public use. In order to cross the palace there is a river that collides with the village.

While their bricks tend to be gray or lighter, the roofs of each house are a light blue and plum shade. The wealthiest citizens in the country have large gardens or flat spaces next to their homes where they can construct public accommodations. In contrast, smaller groups such as farmers and blacksmiths sell their products on the streets in order to supplement their income. Many villages have an abundance of fruit trees along the roads intentionally for the poor and helpless people who live on the streets to fill their stomachs.

Although the size of the Sol Kingdom is quite large, she could feel the sense that the residents were not happy. They needed a replacement ruler if the king's condition had deteriorated. Therefore, their daughter Blaze became the crown princess and her close friend Silver was appointed as the official royal advisor. This decision caused some consternation among the people, especially considering how little time had passed since the king had crowned her daughter as the new ruler. But the people understood that there was no choice at all.

It is obvious to Blaze that people feel anxious without the presence of a king to rule their society. She also knows that the formation of an alliance with one of the kingdoms is a necessity. She could feel the preassure from the people and in court about arranging her marriage between kingdoms to form an alliance, and she could not waver this kind of treatment much longer.
She had asked Silver to call a meeting of each crown prince from different kingdoms, but none of them piqued her interest.

In her neighboring country, Arkrenia, she learned of the crown prince's unveiling after decades of hiding his identity. She's never the type to gossip or meddle in other people's business, but she was curious about the prince ever since she heard him last in the newspaper back when she was a youngin. She was recalled by the memory of her picking up a newspaper on the dinner table and reading through every single details of it.

They say he was a lab experiment, a successful result after years of study. In other words, he is the most suitable candidate if he is chosen to be one's country's ruler. Although the information on the paper was only words, she could never forget it, no matter how hard she tried.
In this world, there is no such thing as a flawless person, she said repeatedly in her head. There must be something that could weaken him or catch him off guard. If he truly is powerful, then why must he be hidden for so long? And how can the safety of the kingdom be ensured when the crown prince has only just started to get close to his people right now?

When she heard of the masquerade party that the kingdom organized for the prince, she felt a need to find out the truth and maybe get to know him. No intention of marrying him or wanting to be his wife, just a little curious. She wanted to know if the rumors are true or not.

Unfortunately she was caught by one of the guards that worked for her father and was brought home immediately before she could even seen the prince's face. She had ordered Silver that secretly followed her to sneak in the party and catch some pictures of the prince while she's gone.

And there she was, with her thumb on her chin as she looks through each pictures taken by Silver during the masquerade. He had arrived a bit late than usual, and his mood were quite off when she saw the brightening smile on his face. But she chose to stay quiet.

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