The Prince's Favor

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The rabbit held the cream filling tight in her grasp, frosting the top of the baked cupcakes delicately and carefully to avoid spoilage. The customers kept coming, and Amy had put her in charge while she took over the responsibility of handling the royal guests on the balcony.
She silently waits for the blue hedgehog to lend her a helping hand. 

At the moment, everyone is still enjoying their meals, but the orders kept coming in, so she couldn't waste any more time going out there and calling for Sonic.

She then heard the entrance of the kitchen doorknob being pressed, making her head raise in relief once she saw the familiar blue quills entering in and speaking, "Sonic! Finally, come here and help me put the―"

Sonic's face was slammed against a flour-dusted cutting board as soon as he stepped in the door, not noticing Cream's words spoken to him. His body moved like paper being blown by the wind; lifeless and boneless. His face looked pale as if he had seen a ghost on the way here.

The rabbit was about to open her mouth again to ask until he was interrupted by the hedgehog's muffled screams. Dust blew from the corner of his cheeks, coating his swollen face caused by the slam.


The rabbit became increasingly concerned as his screams became louder. He turned his head to the side. His eyes were starting to sting. He blinked numerous times before seeing Cream by his side.


"Creaaaammmm....." He whined and cried out, covering his face with his sleeves.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at the front?" The rabbit frowned and tilted her head to fully look at the cerulean, worry taking over her emotions. She had never seen Sonic so devastated before.

"Can you take that knife over there..." He points to the knife section across the room, still mumbling on the dusted cutting board.

"...and kill me right now...."



"Sonic! The orders just came in. Help me pour the coffee from the jug, please."

Cream's scream was interrupted by Amy's sudden intrusion; in her hand, she held the orders that she had been given by the royal siblings. After placing the note on the table, she put on her apron and began to prepare until Sonic's unusual behavior was noticed.
He hasn't moved from the same spot, and his face is still turned towards the cutting board, along with Cream, who has responded quietly by shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said?" She poked his shoulders once she tied her apron with a ribbon. Sonic swirled his head like a ball, facing Amy. His eyelids were dropping and his tears were drying on the wooden board.

"Were you... crying?" Amy asked, but Sonic only sealed his lips in response, looking of 'you know it's obvious.'

"Is this about Shadow?" She sat him up, holding both of his shoulders. She forced him to straighten his back, massaging him slowly.
"You don't have to come out there if you don't want to. I can handle it."
She attempted to reassure him with her words, but Sonic kept frowning.Cream walked to the other side of the table, continuing her tasks as she listened to both of the hedgehogs' conversation.

Sonic shook his head, prompting Amy to ask him again.

"You're a terrible liar, aren't you?" The rose hedgehog signals Cream to grab a tray and a tea set from the cabinet as she continues. 

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